• 15 Million Pageviews Comic!

    Speccysy is at it again!  Another million threshold comic!  I have no clue how he manages to pump these out so quick.  It's madness!

    You can find his DA below! 



    1. Wow, this place is growing exponentially...

      I'm willing to bet we have over 50 million by the time Season 2 gets released.


    2. The ticker seems to count up at a regular pace though.... is it really counting views?

    3. Come on ticky thing, faster! faster!
      Oh lawdy XD That was great! Happy 15mil views, E.D.!

    4. "Come on ticky thing! Faster!" - Every EqD viewer as the counter reaches X million

    5. @zZDarkMemoriesZz

      I'm willing to say you'll lose that bet. I'd put my money down on somewhere between 25 mil to 30 mil by the time season 2 airs.

    6. @Anon

      I'm guessing it aggregates the page views and queries the server every half hour or so. More for show than anything else, I'd imagine.

    7. I think Pinkie speaks for all of us staring at a, "ticky thing" when she asks it to go faster.

      ...Hopefully no-one else is near that bomb, however. I'm not worried for Pinkie's sake, she wouldn't get hurt. Not by a simple bomb like that. In fact she'd probably like the, "fireworks".

      Rambling aside I always love Pinkie doing random teleportation and fourth wall breaking, so this gave me a laugh.

    8. No New Banner for the 15Th Million <:S?

    9. I love the whole world, and all its craziness!
      Boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada!

      GJ Speccsy, BTW ^^

    10. I'm with Derpy there. No idea what's going on, but it's amusing

    11. Move over Carmen sandiago... Where in both world and time is pinkie pie!

    12. I love what Speccysy is doing, and all his comics are great, but I miss madmax. I hope she is doing better for when the 20 million rolls around.

    13. Guys. Math.
      The ticker seems to count up at a consistent rate of 2 per second. That seems to be as fast as it can actually count, and may very well have an actual value higher than this.

      With this knowledge, we can figure out that it takes almost 139 hours for it to increase by 1 million. That's almost six days.

      This implies that it increases by 1 million WEEKLY. If it continues at this pace, it will be over 40 mil by the end of the year.

    14. @Anonymous

      Curses, foiled by math again!
      *drops to his knees, shouting up at the heavens while shaking his fists raised into the air*

    15. @Anonymous


      don't you use your fancy mathematics

    16. It definitely ticks slower than the actual value. Which means EQ needs a new ticky thing, that can actually go at the right speed. Because there should be times when it's ticking slower, and times when it's ticking faster. As it stands I've wondered about the the counter every time I've seen it.

      I love the ticky thing frame, btw. I lol'd.

      PS> Please make the comment text box larger.

    17. @Anonymous

      Yeah, the ticker goes slow while actually keeping track of the page views on the server so we don't see the actually amount of views ever.

    18. Leave the page open for a while, keep your eye on the ticker , and press refresh. You'll be surprised just how much faster real page visits are over the view ticker.

    19. @Anonymous:

      "The ticker seems to count up at a regular pace though.... is it really counting views?"

      Yes, the problem is we view faster than it ticks.

    20. @Display Name
      The "ticking" is really just a client-side visual effect meant to convey an idea of how frequent the page views are on average (though it does seem to have a maximum rate, as someone else mentioned).

      The actual count on the server-side has no such artificial delay, but it's only accessed when the user loads or refreshes the page - no communication takes place when the user is just idling on the page and watching the counter tick.
