Some deep music here with some contrasting takes on that kind of vibe. First up Chang31ing has whipped up a remix of Phoxi and R3CTIFIER's recent piece. Whilst the original was about as heavy as it gets, this remix is a lot more pared back with a focus on deep rolling bass design. It still retains some of the ambient sounds present originally, which definitely provides a nice callback. The second piece is a great example of tech house, with a steadily evolving beat that has some evident influence from all 3 of the creators. It's not a genre we get often here so it's cool to hear it done so well!
Electronic Music: Phoxi & R3CTIFIER - Overwrite_Deity (Chang31ing Remix) [Electro] / Paralol, Phoxi & Prey - Horse Protocol [Tech House]
by ExplodingPonyToastFriday, February 17, 2017 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Electro, Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-FanfictionShare This!Comments
Nightly Discussion #991
by Calpain
Book Horse has found herself a book! It might be a book of ancient evil, but it makes her happy so how can we judge?
Ready to chat guys?
I see that number 1000 is coming up soon so here is where you guys can shine! Make something Nightly Discussion related, from art to videos to even a quote from yourself you want to share with everyone here, and send it to me at [email protected]! Just be sure to put in the subject header that it is for ND 1000!
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Someone is working on a new Doom, Silent Hill, and Quake inspired top down shooter called D'lirium, complete with all the hell spawn slaying, edgy grimdark you'd expect from something based on the games listed above.
I'll let the game speak for itself though. Head on down below the break for a video, information, and a place you can support it if you like what you see.
Roseluck over here needing a haircut, but all her human friends are telling her to just stay fuzzy.
Get a bunch of art below!
[15] Source
Roseluck by aphphphphp
Way back when Undertale was the big internet craze for a few months, doubleWbrothers created a really neat Pinkielovania animation, complete with the full Megalovania battle and cutscenes. They decided to take it a step further with a fully playable version.
You can download it over on their Deviant Art page, but you will need a program called Unitale to actually run it.
Now go be best buddies with Pinkamena!
The massive Fallout Equestria: New Vegas pony mod "Gardens of Equestria" officially releases it's first installment in the series today with the prologue. Expect new enemies, new allies, pony based equipment and objects, much more as episodes release throughout the year.
Get information on downloading the prologue below.
Some interesting detective work by the folks over on some German MLP forums. Taking a look at some of the promotional material they noticed something interesting about one of the characters from movie! If you've been following the news about the movie, Tempest Shadow has a broken horn in her revealed character design but in this bit of promotional material we see her among other ponies, horn and all!
Check on after the break for the image. Thanks to Maik for sending it in!
Meghan McCarthy gave brief detail on each of the supporting cast new characters we've seen over the last week or so for the My Little Pony Movie. It does a good job of clearing up a lot of the mystery we've been seeing in the comments here and around the internet as more and more about these guys gets revealed, but doesn't reveal too much to spoil the film.
Head on down below the break for it!
op 9:50 AM
Labels: Movie, My Little Pony Movie, News, Not-Fanfiction, Pony Movie 2017, Toy Fair 2017 -
Another bit of information released during the Toy Fair 2017 presentation was the full confirmation of more episodes in 2018! Season 8 wasn't detailed at all, but it's happening. The movie seems to be the biggest marketing push ever for Hasbro when it comes to pony, and they want this train running full steam into the next year.
We have a TON to get to this year for Toy Fair. Expect lots of news over the coming few days!
This year's Toy Fair Investor presentation was absolutely loaded with My Little Pony Movie stuff! With how much they plan on pushing it this year, that's not surprising. Yesterdays toy reveals were just the beginning. One big point revealed was the song count, at a whopping seven this time. Considering the addition of SIA, that's not too surprising.
They also played a trailer, but did not have it available on the stream. Hopefully it will be uploaded to their Youtube page soon, as it happened last year.
Below the break, we have a bunch of slides directly from the event!
op 8:13 AM
Labels: Movie, My Little Pony Movie, News, Not-Fanfiction, Pony Movie 2017, Toy Fair 2017 -
Music: Daniel Ingram - A Changeling Can Change (GhostXb Remix) [Hip Hop] / Miles Kintner - A Time That Once Was [Piano]
by ExplodingPonyToastSome cool stuff we don't get very often, a hip hop remix from GhostXb and a beautiful piano piece from a new guy as well! First up Ghost's taken A Changeling Can Change in an interesting direction with a pretty upbeat groove held up by some cool vocal chopping and pitch modulation of Spike's voice. Following that up is a piano piece from Miles Kintner that featured on the recent Seeds of Kindness album, and it definitely fits the mood with a steadily evolving feel to it, and some lovely composition. Grab them both below!
Morning Discussion #770
by Calpain
Ever get to swatting at a fly and you swat something you shouldn't have? Someone is going to be apologizing.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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