• Random Merch: Game Rug / European Shirts on Sale

    I remember back in the day, when drawing on the rug was a bad thing.  It looks like they are capitalizing on my past selves  rebellious attitude toward that rule.  This game rug was found at BJ's Wholesale for $17 by Scootabelle. 

    Head on down past the break for more random merch!


    Over in Australia, if you are in the market to make yourj room more pink, or if you have a kid that wants a pink room, we have yet another bed cover for sale at 19.99.

    You can find it on their website here! Thanks to Scratch for the heads up.

    Truffleshuffle Shirt Sale

    The European based shirt shop Truffleshuffle is running a 20% off sale on everything, including pony shirts.  If you are looking to dodge the crazy shipping prices from US Retailers, this might be your best bet.  Find it here!

    3 Packs Invade Europe

    The Cloudsdale/Applefamily/Royal Wedding 3 packs look to be heading over to Europe.  These were found at a German store called Schütte.   Hopefully that is a sign of mass european domination of these, as they are excellent, especially Gilda!

    Thanks to Beat for the image.

    And that about covers it for this shorter than normal edition of Random Merch! That rug was too cool not to post early though!