• Poll Results: How Do You Want Me to Handle Story Updates?

    It's something I have been struggling with deciding on for a while.  I have tried various methods..

    Bumping defenitely gets it more attention, but annoys the people that don't care about stories.

    Red Tags are ok, but most people still ignore them.

    And Separate posts was the way I used to do it before I knew how to bump, but some still liked this way.

    What did you guys have in mind for other?  I will probably just go with the bump thing since people seemed to vote for that primarily.


    1. I wouldn't really worry *that* that much annoying people; similar to those who dislike shipping stories.

      Honestly, you'll never be able to please everyone; but the vast majority of people clearly prefer the idea of bumping. Those who don't like stories? Well, that's what the mouse and keyboard are for, right?

      Scroll past them, guys!

    2. Still hoping for a "What's your favorite FiM song?" poll...

      Voted for red tags. I rarely read stories - due to my limited free time, not disinterest - and slogging through bumped newsposts exasperates me. The majority has decided, though, and I acquiesce to them. I'll probably just utilize the right sidebar more often.

    3. I have no problem with bumping at all. I just scroll around a bit more. Overall bumping a story does not lessen the amount of posts you can make. They take up no space so it´s even less than a problem for me.

      Also I see that you´re reaching 600.000 hits soon :D.

    4. I enjoy stories, so bumpitie, bump, bump, please!

    5. What we want for the season final episode. Talkin' about the poll, of course.

    6. @Tekaramity

      I update the side bar manually, and sometimes do it in chunks, so watch out for that ;p

    7. The bumping makes me confused about having read the news beyond this post already.
      >Oh I've seen this article already *leaves blog*

      and I don't care about most stories anyway, I only read the [Insert Favourite Topic] ones.

    8. Just bump them, it's not that big of a problem.

    9. Yes, please bump them, because simply updating the sidebar doesn't provide any sort of notification for those of us who prefer to get updates via RSS or Twitter :-)

      And making a new post that links to an old one is just silly :-P

    10. I know I probably wouldn't notice an updated story without a bumped post, especially considering how sometimes authors take a very long time to update their stories or simply don't do it at all. A bumped post lets you know immediately that there's an update, rather than having to check every single day on that one particular story and hoping it's been updated.

      Can't you hide posts on Blogger anyway?

    11. Maybe.....Maybe a separate blog for stories?

    12. If people don't care about stories, what exactly are they doing here?

    13. You should really start using PNGs for these Sethiso B(
