One final celebratory hurrah for the glorious Sci-Fi world of SPACE MARES, this time fueled by your creative juices instead!

    We've got another OPEN ART event for all of you to throw your skills at. As with the last few, your mission is to draw, animate, pose, or whatever else some art. Any space theme goes! You can crossover ponies with your favorite sci-fi film, create a Luna tribute to modern day Nasa, or even make up your own wacky idea involving ponies exploring the cosmos. It is entirely up to you.

    To submit, fire off an email to Submit@Equestriadaily.com with a link to it and subject the email SPACE MARES. As always, this is only for new art, so go draw it! All skill levels are welcome.

    The deadline is April 9th at 11:59 PM PST, which gives you a week and a day.