• Nightly Roundup #779

    Sweetie Belle is the best CMC. If you are against this statement, then you need to re-evaluate your CMC pony favoritism. (Please don't send me angry emails!)

    I completely forgot I need to ask for suggestions for header images, so go suggest some, and get some short roundup below the break.


    Braeburn? That's a first.


    Bronystate Newsletter September 26th

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    Hello all you ponyfolk! After a week of school and Grand Theft Auto, why not wind down and watch some movies with us? This Friday at 7pm EST (and an encore on Saturday at 2pm EST), we will be showing The Sword in the Stone and everyone's favorite movie, The Cat in the Hat! There will be some pony on the side, even Japanese ponies, so stay tuned!

    And on Sunday, we will be having a double whammy of specials for you! Starting at 4pm EST, Babble with Bronies will be interviewing David Delanty, otherwise known as "vest". If you're into drawing, or just want to get to know him, come on over!

    And later that day at 6pm EST, Saturn, THE Con Chairman of BUCK, will be spinning records for us in his brand new show, Radio Saturn! Want to hear a song? You can request it over at #Vinyl_Scratch. It will be hot!

    Come on and slam with us this weekend! We hope to see you there!

    Analiz Sanchez Interview

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    Hello bronies and pegasisters from Latin America
    Here Makro Dash again, we have a special interview with Analiz Sanchez, voice actress in spanish latino of Rainbow Dash, yeah!!
    Time is now, please join us to this interview with Midnight Twinkle, Dartz and crew of Bronies Radio together
    This friday September 27th, 2pm (Central Time) only on Bronies Radio, the Latin American brony radio


    UFP 36: For Glorious Mother Equestria!

    Brony Network Movie Night

    This weekend movie nights we're playing the complete adventure collection of indiana jones that will surely be one epic adventure. {some showtimes may change we highly recommend to check our steam group page for any sudden updates}


    Raiders of the Lost Ark {PG}: 9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm PT


    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom {PG}: 10pm CT / 11pm ET / 8pm PT


    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade {PG-13}: 6pm CT / 7pm ET / 4pm PT
    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull {PG-13}: 8:05pm CT / 9:05pm ET / 6pm PT

    {Main Website / Stream Page}
    {News / Updates}

    Analysis: Is Discord Chaotic? (Debate between NightspheretheGnostic and WhammyAnalysis)

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    The core of the video is a debate about whether or not Discord can be said to actually be chaotic, using principles and concepts from a wide variety of ethical systems to figure the question out. There is also debate about the implications of these systems and others in regards to his redemption in Keep Calm and Flutter On. While not the most favorited video on the MLPAnalysis subReddit, it's got over 35 comments right now, making it one of the if not the most commented on submissions to it (based on a cursory glance of the top videos).

    Also, it's about Discord; who doesn't like talking about Discord?

    Find it over here!

    Legends of Equestria Video Fanfics

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    Like to this official Facebook page for fans of Legends of Equestria videofanfics, music and more for bronies and pegasisters


    Ponibooru Film Night

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    Poster artist DaisyHead here. We're finishing off Marvel week with Howard the Duck. A character made in 1973
    as an existentialist comic with no joke or punchline, about a duck who is hurtled through the Nexus of all Realities and served as a secondary character in a Man-thing feature. In the movie, he is hurtled through his apartment complex into space into 1980's Cleveland, Ohio because of a botched experiment that also opened a portal that released a demon who plans to free his people so they can devour mankind. Also, the plot of the movie is about Howardtrying to get back to his own planet, all awhile trying not to get murdered by every human being who sees him andhelping a down on her luck singer for a band, that's not even good to begin with, find herself or something. This movies plot is a mess. Also It's LucasFilm which is disappointing because Jim Hensons labyrinth came out the same year and was amazing. And unfortunately was less successful in the box office.

    Hosts for film night will be:
    Harlequin Jester
    Feral Socks
    Pony Cat
    Livestream channel


    Successful Meetups

    Successful Meetup

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    On Sunday September 21st, the LSU Brony club got together for our first official meetup of the year. We met up in the LSU Student Union first to introduce the older members of the group to the newer ones. We had 12 of our 26 members show up three of which had just recently joined. After introductions we moved into a large empty classroom and had a viewing of Equestria Girls followed by "Everything Wrong with Equestria Girls in 7 minutes or less." After the movie our group decided to do some MLP Karaoke (which most us failed at). If you would like to join our little family of Bronies, you may contact me (the guy in the Pinkie Pie hoodie) at the following.


    Merch/Ebay Stuff

    This Day in Pony History

    2011: MadTV Cowboys and Aliens pony skit
    2012: Eeeyore and Twilight Sparkle on MadTV

    I never realized these were on the same date each year.