• Comic: The Best Magic / The Gift That Keeps on Giving

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    I wonder if we'll be seeing Trixie anytime this season; I sort of miss her boastfulness. Anyhow, have another dose of The Great and Powerful Trixie to tide you over!

    Below we have some more CMC antics as they make the best of a bad situation.
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    1. Well, with the rising prices of minerals, I might actually want number two to happen to me, lol

    2. @Applebloomismywaifu that was the scariest thing that I have seen all year

    3. Well, number one is just unfair for Derpy. Poor Derpy, being tricked by Trixie's tricks.

    4. #1 Bahaha muffin summoning is the best kind of magic.
      #2 Awww yeaahh CMC are at it again!

    5. Give it about 50 years, the CMC will be Filthy Rich

    6. 1.Trixie pulled a Muffin out of her hat. She s truly Great and Powerful

      2.CMC Engineers. YAY!!!

    7. That second comic is great. A bit late, but great.

    8. Typical of the CMC to only see advantages in that.
      also muffins.

    9. Well that was certainly...odd I'd say, but no adjective works for either of those. Well time to raise the moon in Canterlot, fun times abroad!!!

    10. @Applebloomismywaifu
      We are so proud of you!

      Muffinz, derpy, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! Great comic!

      CMC TRAIN!

    11. 2 very well made and funny comics!

    12. #1 Trixie just became a hero to a certain bright eyed pegasus.

      #2 What the hay?!!! Only the CMC could have thought of this. LOL

    13. @Applebloomismywaifu

      Holy fuckin' shit on a biscuit, you actually said something other than "first". Son, I am proud. But still highly disappoint from all the "first" spam.

    14. @Nostalgia Schmaltz I remember him saying he had a severe case of overly compulsive disorder and must reach 100 or something of the sort.

    15. 1st: love Derpy's face when the muffin pops up X)
      2nd: just make the best of the situation i guess.

    16. The CMC's never give up now, don' they?

    17. @Nostalgia Schmaltz

      First comments are pretty annoying, and it's not just here, but YouTube is plagued with them as well.

      AS for the comics, I do love it. Trixie certainly knows her audience in the first one there.

    18. 1#- Lame, retarded, the whole Muffin gig is really lame.

      2#- cmc turning a negative situation into something positive. Nice :3

    19. #1 Awesome expressions on the last panel, OMG Derpy and smug Trixie :]

      #2 Oh I don't think you know what you have done Santa...
