• To Prove / At the Gala ~ SEGA Genesis Mix / GATG House Mix

    Remixes all over up in here.

    1.) Chain Algorithm - To Prove (Rainbow Dash At the Gala Mix)
    2.) At the Gala ~ SEGA Genesis Mix
    3.) Giggle at the Ghostie (Knoedels House Remix)


    1. i was litteraly just listening to that first one

    2. Aww heck, music when my headphones are busted and the sound on this is awful without them.

    3. I've been dreamin' I've been waitin'~

    4. So many remixes for the same songs, yet I love them all.

    5. Yay~ Mine got in (SEGA Genesis Mix).

      I like Chain Algorithm's remix the best.

    6. god, that first one is just fucking annoying.

    7. Season2's gonna get more remixes made I guess, there'll be loads

    8. Like the first one, catchy and cool.

      Second one... eh, admittedly not much a 8-bit or 16-bit music fan. But it was still good.

      Thought the third was a fun song too.

    9. Didn't like the first one, too much going on to listen to Rainbow's lyrics, which is the important part for me. I say have loud lyrics or none at all.

      The second one is okay, but I'd much rather listen to the 8-bit Gameboy At the Gala myself.

      The third one is okay, the most likely one for me to listen to again, but all these songs just make me want to listen to a better version of each other them.

    10. These three songs just lifted my mood by at least three levels, thank you! :D

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. @Wierdplatformer
      Glad I could help! I'm RainproDash on Youtube but Flutteryay's been taken there and he doesn't even do anything...

      There's more music where that came from. I just DL'ed some new instruments for GarageBand. Expect to hear a cello and harp duel (Octavia and Lyra obviously) and an awesome metal song inspired by Dash soonish.

    13. That chain algorithm fellow... he just doesn't stop from making awesome mixes! Seriously though, the house one was good house, and dem chiptunes are rarely my thing, but that chain algorithm has my groove-thang on speed dial.

    14. Awesome music. Hey, does anyone else get a Hercules (the disney movie) vibe from Rainbow dash's solo in "at the gala" or is that just me? ._.

    15. I love the Gala Mix.

    16. Before I say anything else, I loved the first and third the most. (never been a huge fan of "At the Gala", not counting Dash's part)
      However, I have to ask, isn't the title suposed to be Giggle at the Ghostly (as opposed to Ghostie)?
      It makes sense from a grammar and rhyme scheme perspective, at least.

    17. @Sparky Dart
      Song: I Can Go The Distance
      Specific part: "TO FIND WHERE I BELONG!!!!!!"

    18. Its amazing how many times these songs can be remixed. I have 5 versions of "At the Gala," 12 versions of "Winter Wrap Up," 9 versions of "Giggle at the Ghostie," and 6 versions of the main theme, not to mention all the other songs. And every one sounds different.

    19. @Sparky Dart

      Which is great when you add in the Greek theme of her outfit and her general demigodhood.

    20. Love solo rainbow dash remixes :)

    21. fuck yea. I mean, NES/SNES remixes are fine and all, but the Genesis is where my childhood is at

    22. The first one was awesome, the third one was good but I didn't much care for the second one.

    23. I love Chain Algorithm but I wasn't too keen on this one, personally.

      #2 was also a bit weak because I don't think it nailed the sound it was going for it quite right.

      I did think #3 was a really fun remix though.

    24. @Pioneer1

      The thing is that when I originally started the remix there were already some remixies named "Giggle at the Ghostie" as well as some named "Giggle at the Ghostly" but I realized much later after I named and tagged the whole thing so I decided to leave it at that.

    25. Am I the only one who wants a snes-style song from FiM with Mega Man X instruments?
      Yeah, I must be insane.

    26. first two were bad, last one was ok.

    27. It's amazing how many MLP fans are not only musically inclined, but also musically talented.
