You know, when I mentioned ponies standing I really should have known that we'd end up with a fair number of JoJo references. Well done, well done! Every year when I think a prompt may be a dud you guys show me just how imaginative you all are and convince me of your talents, new artists or old.
For our very first gallery we managed to accumulate 175 ponies! Not as big as previous years, but we did make some changes that could have messed with people's schedules this year. All the same an impressive number my friends!
Now, what you've really been waiting for, the prompt for today! Simply put, now that we have our ponies standing it's time to get them moving a bit. So for the next 24 hours I would like you guys to take a shot at drawing a mobile pony / Drawing a pony showing off his moves.
You can find our submitter for today here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
1 Prompt 1 ("pony holding the line") - Arkadios
Based on the meme "I've got your back", with the two stick figures. Pinkie Pie seemed like the obvious choice.
Based on the meme "I've got your back", with the two stick figures. Pinkie Pie seemed like the obvious choice.
4 rara! - t72b
Doing the natg again this year, but this time I have one of those new fangled digital drawing tablets instead of pencils and paper. so I still count as new. again
Doing the natg again this year, but this time I have one of those new fangled digital drawing tablets instead of pencils and paper. so I still count as new. again
7 The Princess Has Landed - Frith
Based on the Silverstream's "superhero landing" dream scene, I tried to recreate it with Princess Celestia. Pencil, photographed, traced and coloured in MyPaint.
Based on the Silverstream's "superhero landing" dream scene, I tried to recreate it with Princess Celestia. Pencil, photographed, traced and coloured in MyPaint.
9 Twilight Sparkle - Alexander Williams
Twilight sparkle stands in the foreground, unable to stand the thought of being drawn so badly.
Twilight sparkle stands in the foreground, unable to stand the thought of being drawn so badly.
10 Pinkie pie standing - Danny
I also post my art on Instagram @cyan_drawings; all my pony art is on DA though.
I also post my art on Instagram @cyan_drawings; all my pony art is on DA though.
12 ATG Day 1 - Blue Bobbin - Pixel Grip
Had no idea how to interpret "a pony holding a line" so I went with the standing pony prompt and decided to draw a random background pony to make it a bit more interesting. Apparently her name is Blue Bobbin. She be cute.
Had no idea how to interpret "a pony holding a line" so I went with the standing pony prompt and decided to draw a random background pony to make it a bit more interesting. Apparently her name is Blue Bobbin. She be cute.
16 Natg Summer 2019 - “It’s an old fashioned notion.� - Roderick JE
This time around I’ll try to mash-up EG and Power Ponies?
This time around I’ll try to mash-up EG and Power Ponies?
17 Hold the Line - phallen1
I'm going to try drawing simple anthros this year. Starting with Patch helping Windy pack her parachute.
I'm going to try drawing simple anthros this year. Starting with Patch helping Windy pack her parachute.
24 Just standing around - Kami Drakin
I haven't drawn a pony since the last ATG, gotta get back into it.
I haven't drawn a pony since the last ATG, gotta get back into it.
26 The Starting Line of Number Nine - Sigmath Bits
And so marks the start of the NATG for another year! Best of luck to all those involved to hit as many prompts as they can!
And so marks the start of the NATG for another year! Best of luck to all those involved to hit as many prompts as they can!
28 Happy ATG to Everyone! - LennyStendhal13
So happy to be participating in this wonderful event once again! I wish all artists a lot of fun and a lot of improvement. ^^
OC: Stendhal Syndrome.
So happy to be participating in this wonderful event once again! I wish all artists a lot of fun and a lot of improvement. ^^
OC: Stendhal Syndrome.
31 NATG IX: Day 1 (Skyrazer holding the line) - Squeaky_Belle
My entry for EqD’s Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 1
Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony holding the line
It’s not really a line. Just an excuse to draw a favourite OC!
My entry for EqD’s Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 1
Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony holding the line
It’s not really a line. Just an excuse to draw a favourite OC!
34 Holding The Food Line - Pone-Dancer
Dough Boy works as a quick order chef at the Sugarcube Corner Café. The kitchen can become quickly backed up, but thankfully Dough Boy is adept at cooking multiple meals at once. He also knows many shortcuts that make the customers happy such as putting a sprig of parsley on the fish and a toothpick in a hayburger to make it look more gourmet. Despite being overweight (due to his thyroids) he is adequately strong and can balance many plates or cups on one tray. With his cheery personality and sweet taste in aprons, he is more than capable of holding the food line!
Dough Boy works as a quick order chef at the Sugarcube Corner Café. The kitchen can become quickly backed up, but thankfully Dough Boy is adept at cooking multiple meals at once. He also knows many shortcuts that make the customers happy such as putting a sprig of parsley on the fish and a toothpick in a hayburger to make it look more gourmet. Despite being overweight (due to his thyroids) he is adequately strong and can balance many plates or cups on one tray. With his cheery personality and sweet taste in aprons, he is more than capable of holding the food line!
35 Sunny Glow (Updated) - BronyMedic
Second time fully partaking in the ATG. This time practicing with digital art, specifically Sketchbook on the Surface Go.
Second time fully partaking in the ATG. This time practicing with digital art, specifically Sketchbook on the Surface Go.
51 BlueSliver - SpicyLatino
52 NATG 2019 Day 1 Pony Standing - TallaFerroXIV
Gonna attempt to do a full run this year and what better way than to start with some space-pones in near-death situations!!!
Gonna attempt to do a full run this year and what better way than to start with some space-pones in near-death situations!!!
53 Marsha P. Johnson Holding the Line - Callie Pruett
When I thought of a pony holding the line, I thought of what it meant to stand your ground and not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation. So it seemed natural to draw Marsha P. Johnson who held her ground at the Stonewall Inn 50 years ago this week when it mattered most.
When I thought of a pony holding the line, I thought of what it meant to stand your ground and not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation. So it seemed natural to draw Marsha P. Johnson who held her ground at the Stonewall Inn 50 years ago this week when it mattered most.
54 NATG IX - 1 - RhythmPixel
Once again ready to start this, but most certainly won't have all the time for each prompt. Otherwise this is pretty good to get something quick out of everyday. And I'm proud and shameful to see what I did for last time, but again pretty happy to see my progress.
Once again ready to start this, but most certainly won't have all the time for each prompt. Otherwise this is pretty good to get something quick out of everyday. And I'm proud and shameful to see what I did for last time, but again pretty happy to see my progress.
60 Hold the rope - Ragmo
For Artist Training Ground IX: Day1: Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony holding the line.
Keep on holding! Don't let go of it!!
Here we go again - an entire month of OC drawings - more than I do for the rest of the entire year :)
For Artist Training Ground IX: Day1: Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony holding the line.
Keep on holding! Don't let go of it!!
Here we go again - an entire month of OC drawings - more than I do for the rest of the entire year :)
65 Hold Please - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)
Whilst on her travels, Tempest always tries to update Twilight on how things are going, sadly Twilight isn't easy to get hold of.
Whilst on her travels, Tempest always tries to update Twilight on how things are going, sadly Twilight isn't easy to get hold of.
67 Shade holds the line - banterlot
Shade the edgy OC's assassin training did not include lessons on geometric notation, much less visual puns.
Shade the edgy OC's assassin training did not include lessons on geometric notation, much less visual puns.
69 Spick and Spanner - Standing - Silverwind
Be aware, gallery is not all SFW
Have been drawing ponies for a while, but eager to refine my style and get some more practice.
Be aware, gallery is not all SFW
Have been drawing ponies for a while, but eager to refine my style and get some more practice.
71 Hold the line against the robot horde - Erik Butterworth
With the Training Grounds having started for this year, I was waiting for the opportunity to post some new work I had done to see how my skills have improved since first starting doing 3-D art in Garry's Mod. I'm glad the first topic was something I easily had an idea for, if not several new pieces that fit the topic.
With the Training Grounds having started for this year, I was waiting for the opportunity to post some new work I had done to see how my skills have improved since first starting doing 3-D art in Garry's Mod. I'm glad the first topic was something I easily had an idea for, if not several new pieces that fit the topic.
72 Don't even try it - Erik Butterworth
I know it is supposed to be pony-themed, but I'm sure having the Equestria Girls in them will still count.
I know it is supposed to be pony-themed, but I'm sure having the Equestria Girls in them will still count.
73 You're not getting near this bomb - Erik Butterworth
Holding the line against the robot horde in Mann vs Machine counts for the idea.
Holding the line against the robot horde in Mann vs Machine counts for the idea.
75 Keep them pinned down with that gun - Erik Butterworth
Using a Sentry Gun counts for holding the line against insurmountable odds.
Using a Sentry Gun counts for holding the line against insurmountable odds.
76 Let's get that cash - Erik Butterworth
How about ensuring your team has enough funds to handle future waves and hold the line then?
How about ensuring your team has enough funds to handle future waves and hold the line then?
81 Hold The Line - SOENJAY
I of course immediately thought of Toto, so have some ponified Bobby Kimball, Steve Lukather, and David Paich.
No, I don't know where Steve's legs are, how David's keyboard is standing on those sticks, or where anything is plugged in. You gotta use your imagination!
Also I think I'm racist because I always just draw people as Earth Pones.
I of course immediately thought of Toto, so have some ponified Bobby Kimball, Steve Lukather, and David Paich.
No, I don't know where Steve's legs are, how David's keyboard is standing on those sticks, or where anything is plugged in. You gotta use your imagination!
Also I think I'm racist because I always just draw people as Earth Pones.
86 Holding Up The Line_EQD_NATG_IX - Skypause
It’s been a while !!!
I hope everypony is doing well. I still feel SOOOO inadequate.... here’s hoping I can improve over the course of this month. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions... I struggled with shading (along with everything else on this one) and over extended a bit time-wise I think but... meh... I’m content enough with it. : )
It’s been a while !!!
I hope everypony is doing well. I still feel SOOOO inadequate.... here’s hoping I can improve over the course of this month. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions... I struggled with shading (along with everything else on this one) and over extended a bit time-wise I think but... meh... I’m content enough with it. : )
92 Holding Lines - Friendship is Horses
Yours may be longer, Rarity, but it's looking a little limp at the moment
Yours may be longer, Rarity, but it's looking a little limp at the moment
100 Early start to the day - ZoneSystem
Sunburst had to wake up early after a long night of studying, but he’s still standing!
Sunburst had to wake up early after a long night of studying, but he’s still standing!
106 Pinkie's Grin - PonyxWright
It's the first time I participate in the Newbie Artist Training Grounds event. I'm extremely nervous but I'll try to do my best.
It's the first time I participate in the Newbie Artist Training Grounds event. I'm extremely nervous but I'll try to do my best.
112 I'm Fluttershy - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael
Second attempt since I found out after the fact that my Twitter link didn't send the full image.
Second attempt since I found out after the fact that my Twitter link didn't send the full image.
121 ATG IX Day I - RizDub
Nothing too special, just a posing Rainbow Dash. I decided to draw her because I figured it might give me a chance to show off some of my new colored pencils, but ironically I only used one (the blue in her hair+tail).
Nothing too special, just a posing Rainbow Dash. I decided to draw her because I figured it might give me a chance to show off some of my new colored pencils, but ironically I only used one (the blue in her hair+tail).
126 Unsure Glimmer - Redraw - AspieFluttershy
I redrew my entry from last year's Newbie Artist Training Grounds. Hopefully I improved?
I redrew my entry from last year's Newbie Artist Training Grounds. Hopefully I improved?
128 ATG 1 - Allonsbro
My mind went to soldiers in battle holding the line against the enemy. It there are some other really cool takes on the prompt I've seen today too. This year is going to kick butt.
My mind went to soldiers in battle holding the line against the enemy. It there are some other really cool takes on the prompt I've seen today too. This year is going to kick butt.
130 Silly Ponk - Scout Guy
First ATG, and this pic ain't the greatest, but it's something worth submitting nonetheless.
First ATG, and this pic ain't the greatest, but it's something worth submitting nonetheless.
134 ATG Prompt 1 - Gossamer & Morning Dew
This is the first thing I've drawn that I've actually manage to sit down and finish without giving up from self-doubt. I did a lot better than I expected, and I'm really looking forward to how I'll do through the rest of the Training Grounds.
This is the first thing I've drawn that I've actually manage to sit down and finish without giving up from self-doubt. I did a lot better than I expected, and I'm really looking forward to how I'll do through the rest of the Training Grounds.
136 Ebony Crystal 2019 - EbonyCrystal1986
Not much of a story to this one, just decided to try the first option as a warmup. I hope to get in as many prompts as possible this year and to improve my art as much as possible! :3
Not much of a story to this one, just decided to try the first option as a warmup. I hope to get in as many prompts as possible this year and to improve my art as much as possible! :3
137 Starlight Standing like a Smug Sister - Daimando
I decided to try out this Artist's Training Ground event, and I'm testing the waters with a simple image of Starlight Glimmer standing.
I decided to try out this Artist's Training Ground event, and I'm testing the waters with a simple image of Starlight Glimmer standing.
141 2019 ATG IX - Day 1 - Line Up - KirbyLiscious
"...why in tarnation am I holding this line?"
- Confused Applejack
EYYY, so excited to be doing this again!! I wish the absolute best to everyone participating!! Hope to see you at graduation!! ;D <3333 span="">3333>
"...why in tarnation am I holding this line?"
- Confused Applejack
EYYY, so excited to be doing this again!! I wish the absolute best to everyone participating!! Hope to see you at graduation!! ;D <3333 span="">3333>
148 Holding the line - h2g2guy
Terrible pun to start off the NATG?
Terrible pun to start off the NATG.
Back after 11 months again! Hopefully for longer than one day!
This is barely a great deal of effort; did this in low light last night without any real tools. But it serves a purpose.
After taking so much time off, it was pretty hard to get myself to try drawing again. Approaching my whiteboard, a canvas intended specifically for impermanent writings, was much easier.
(And I gotta say, the body/legs here came out surprisingly better than I expected, even though the head is completely disproportionate and the hair is all wonky.)
Let this be a deposit in the box of courage and encouragement, and hopefully I'll be willing to put a bit more effort and time into my work ;)
Terrible pun to start off the NATG?
Terrible pun to start off the NATG.
Back after 11 months again! Hopefully for longer than one day!
This is barely a great deal of effort; did this in low light last night without any real tools. But it serves a purpose.
After taking so much time off, it was pretty hard to get myself to try drawing again. Approaching my whiteboard, a canvas intended specifically for impermanent writings, was much easier.
(And I gotta say, the body/legs here came out surprisingly better than I expected, even though the head is completely disproportionate and the hair is all wonky.)
Let this be a deposit in the box of courage and encouragement, and hopefully I'll be willing to put a bit more effort and time into my work ;)
150 NATG Day 1 - Belier
I decided I want to draw more and my friend told me about NATG, so I figured I would give it a shot. Here's my interpretation of the prompt for day one (Pony standing/holding the line) as Shining Armor readies himself to defend against incoming attacks, thus holding the line!
Here's hoping I can keep up! Thanks for the opportunity!
I decided I want to draw more and my friend told me about NATG, so I figured I would give it a shot. Here's my interpretation of the prompt for day one (Pony standing/holding the line) as Shining Armor readies himself to defend against incoming attacks, thus holding the line!
Here's hoping I can keep up! Thanks for the opportunity!
154 Hold the Line - NyxerisOTG
Got a bit too ambitious with this, but I'll try inking it for the off day!
Got a bit too ambitious with this, but I'll try inking it for the off day!
155 Fluttershy Standing the Line - Bryant
I'm not very good at art and my relative talent comes and goes but I do want to improve and I love mlp so why not combine the two.
I'm not very good at art and my relative talent comes and goes but I do want to improve and I love mlp so why not combine the two.
162 A little pony holding (a) line - Mister Twister
This year most of my entries will be rather simple, and black & white. I will devote more time to..... other things.
This year most of my entries will be rather simple, and black & white. I will devote more time to..... other things.
164 A pony standing: Amber Sigil - TaichiKeaton
Amber seems curious about the new adventures taking place today.
Amber seems curious about the new adventures taking place today.
165 Quarter - thattagen
I've only got doodles this year. Need to focus on a big project for Bronycon!
Anyways, it's good to have this event back.
I've only got doodles this year. Need to focus on a big project for Bronycon!
Anyways, it's good to have this event back.
172 Lyra - Spone
A Lyra, as always. She's only slightly derpy, but always silly.
Drawn for EQD's ATG.
A Lyra, as always. She's only slightly derpy, but always silly.
Drawn for EQD's ATG.