• Nightly Roundup #906

    Color me surprised when I saw that Trenderjack won last night. You guys are sure full of surprises, huh? Anyhow, who will be the winner tomorrow? That's up to you guys!

    Now, it's time to relax and read some news after the break.

    Tonight's Stories

    Speed Painting Chrysalis

    I absolutely love traditional art and seeing this lovely Chrysalis brought to life is amazing. Check it out!

    Tonight's Successful Meetups

    Las Vegas Brony Park Meet

    Howdy ever'pony! This is Stemglass/Applebloom reporting for the latest Las Vegas Brony park meet *Park Barbeque (Super Birthaversary Edition*
    A total of about 17 Bronies trotted on down to enjoy a fun-filled afternoon filled with teaching/learning the MLP CCG, enjoying a few hilarious rounds of Cards Against Humanity, chatting about the new episodes, an' enjoying some tasty things such as: Rarity-themed Marshmallows, Cookie and Brownie combos, Candy Apples and fresh Chimicherrychangas! Was an amazin' turn up and I'd like ta thank ever'pony who came and contributed!

    Birmingham Meetup

    On 22nd of february over 30 bronies gathered in Birmingham, UK for a meetup. We started off by visiting the Sealife Centre, then headed off to Forbidden Planet to pick up some pony merch and eventually ended up in a pub for some dinner.

    Another Brony Meetup in Ecuador

    This awesome meetup took place in Quito (Capital of Ecuador), On February 14 and 15.
    We were just a few, but we had lots of fun!
    We visited some nice places, watched the new episode and even bought a new Wii U and played some videogames :D
    The only thing we want is to meet more bronies in our country :(

    Tonight's Groups Looking For More

    Ponysculptor Group 1 Year Anniversary Giveaway!

    Wanted to inform you all that the Ponysculptor group on deviant art is currently having a giveaway to celebrate the groups first anniversary!

    There are two pools that people can enter to win stuff in (they can enter both if they want to)

    in the first one people can win a commision slot from one of 14 different sculptors!
    And in the other pool a couple of other people are giving away other things like pictures and such!

    The giveaway ends on February 28th so it's not much time left!

    Get more information here!

    Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs

    Flutter Brigade Round Table ep1

    "Twilight Time" Analysis Video

    TBBBAP Episode 12: Twilight Time

    Analysis: Classical Myth in MLP

    An independent study of classical myth in MLP:FiM. Find the playlist below!

    Get more information here!

    Bluescreen Bronies Interview - Kyle Hebert

    Bluescreen Bronies had an interview with Kyle Hebert of Street Fighter and Dragonball Z fame!

    Bluescreen Bronies, the longest running video game podcast in the Brony fandom brings you Reviews, interviews, and news of the gaming kind each week! Not only will you see some of your favorite pony games, but your favorite industry guests as well! Tune into Everfree Network Sunday nights at 8pm EST

    Until then, game on Bronies!

    Equestria's Reflection - Pinkie Pride - Blind Reaction

    Tonight's Merchandise

    Today In Pony History

    February 24, 2011-2013

    2011 - Allspark forums have a donation drive for Hasbro Children's Hospital.

    2012 - Last Roundup returns to iTunes with Derpy altered.

    2013 - Double Rainboom gets a release date and a teaser.

    Twitter: Calpain