• Music: Issues with Applejack / The Royal We / The Darkness Inside

    Have some electronictechnodubstep originals. I'm still not sure how to determine how "pony" this stuff is, and the new pre-readers are also seemingly stumped. I guess we will roll with it anyway though!

    1.) WolfOfSadness - Issues with Applejack
    2.) Thorinair - The Royal We (Original Mix)
    3.) AgileDash - The Darkness Inside


    1. Electronic and Dubstep? I hope I'll like one of them...

    2. Hmm......i've been having trouble making original music without software or vocals that's "pony" enough. All I have is a phone and a piano!!

      Thus the debate continues.......how to determine whether or not a song could be consodered pony enough

    3. my slow connection forces me to listen at 240p :(

    4. Number one: nice use of Rd's line

      Number two: nice beat

      Nunber three: nice beat, good- DAT IMAGE

    5. I've always believed that any song dedicated to, featuring or inspired by ponies is pony enough. As a community, we should recognise and celebrate everyone's efforts! Love and tolerance!

    6. @Kroqgar ah, but is just dedicating it to mlp enough? (Jelfes and I had a debate about this a while back....)

    7. this music has nothing to do with Ponys...

    8. does it count if the image is ponies?

    9. @MaSc number one does have some RD in there

      So many people are saying that a song isn't pony enough unless it's either a remix or has vocals and/or lines from the show. Wheras a lot of other people think that it's pony enough if it's just dedicated. Some people have music programs with which all of this is possible, wheras others don't have anything, really.

      Can we get an official line drawn, come to an agreement, and finally put this to rest?

    10. >13 Ratings
      >1.8 Stars

      You're all being a bunch pre-episode 6 Rarity's aren't you? Shame on you!

      I heard these tracks a few days back, I'm quite sure there are pony samples in the first two, but I'm too tired to listen to them again to confirm.

      And Agile Dash makes nothing but pony music, stop questioning his music.

      In fact, stop questioning the music and just listen to it and enjoy it for what it is!

    11. @Mattatatta couldn't agree more on all of those respects

    12. I liked all three. Think the first was my favorite of this group though. An easy way since I'm feeling too tired to comment on each individually right now. x3

    13. #2 Is a very easy sounding Trance song. Very calming on the ears. I <3 Trance

      I've been in a 'Trance' listening mood as of late, very soothing. :)

    14. These are really long pieces.

      #1 was okay.
      Hmm, I liked #2. So far, I'm not hearing any dubstep in these, or maybe I have and I just don't remember... probably that.

      #3 Also good.

    15. @Kroqgar
      I concur.

      Anyway I like all of them (especially #2).

    16. What happened to WolfOfSadness's comment? O_o

    17. If I wasn't doing a bunch of aerial stunts while ATTEMPTING to make it all the way though this seemingly HUGE playlist, I'd listen to these.

      But oooooohhhh I see AgileDash and WolfofSadness, can tell this is gunna be so AWESOME!!!

    18. @Rainbow Dash add a WoodenToaster, Makkon, or PinkiePieSwear and it would be even more awesome

    19. I think instrumental only music can be pony music IF:
      a. It is indeed dedicated to something pony (any of the cast, or a fic, or something)
      b. the mood and feeling makes some sense to what pony thing your trying to describe. IE: DONT DO DUBSTEP FOR EVERAH PONY. it doesn't work that way. also don't layer on a whole bunch of pumped up midi loops with fast drums and cool synths for something like...fluttershy in the everfree forest...
      c. theres a pony image
      d. you actually put some effort into illustrating what pony thing you are trying to paint in sound

      if it doen'st fit ALL the criteria, then it can most certainly be debated on whether its pony music or not

    20. @derpidety

      That's actually a really good list of criteria!
      I was explaining a concept called "Musical Expectation" on MLR and I think that needs to be addressed regarding what is Pony and what isn't...
      As you said, Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest does not need Dubstep, just like Vinyl Scratch at a rave doesn't need classical...
      I think that's what needs to be considered...whether the music fits with the scenario...not whether it has a specific theme or sound in there...that's too constricting...

      So, in conclusion Derpidety's list is great!

      Dr Dissonance

    21. This was interesting to see how man people Feel It didn't fit as pony music at all. Most of the people who follow my music knows I almost never use vocals or anything pony related (minus the pic I guess) in my music.
      Though really all my music I make is seriously inspired by ponies.

      I don't see why it has to be deeply ponified with vocals and etc to make it "Pony related"

      I think you all expect too much now that all the popular artists use vocals and the works to make music that when others come in and don't use it, it makes it "not pony" or at least thats how I see it.

      Anyways ima shut up now because I know this was probably a dumb idea..

      Have fun guys.


    22. My advice is to not worry about how "pony" something is.

      Unless you'd like all of Not a Clever Pony's work, Elements of Harmonics/the pony MMO's battle theme, No Strings Attached, most of Makkon's works, and others to suddenly not qualify for music posts.

    23. I think if the music is inspired by pony, that's all that counts

    24. Yeah, it really doesn't matter to me how much "pony" it is. I love the ponies to no extent, but there's show music, and then there's fan music.

      Fan music is inspired by the ponies, regardless of whether it's musically unrelated to the show and yet just inspired, or whether it's a light remix of Winter Wrap-Up.

      It's brony music, made for bronies, by other bronies. It's give and share. That's what this community is about in the first place. Just try the music. If you don't like it, you don't ever have to listen to it again, and maybe you can leave some constructive criticism.

      If you do like it, take it to your other bronies, or maybe just your other bros, or, hey, complete strangers, and get them to listen to it. There are more bronies out there to be made.

      This is one of the only communities I've been a part of for this long that hasn't collapsed due to arguing between themselves, and if that ever happens I will be deeply disappointed and depressed. I couldn't be happier to be a brony, and the simple fact that people are willing to make music inspired by the show for me, and all my other bronies, to listen to, is incredibly touching to me.

      And so I listen.

    25. Personally, I'd be putting these mixes in my dubstep or tech playlists, not my pony lists. That said, I like having it around, because I can always pick up new artists to listen to FROM WITHIN THE PONY COMMUNITY. I think that's the most important part. Not really if the song itself is pony or not, but whether the artist is one of us.

    26. When I clicked on #2, I was sort of hoping for a PMV of hte song of the same name by the Silversun Pickups.

    27. The whole "how pony is it" debate is hilarious and upsetting, considering that you can't get much more pony than straight covers and those are no longer posted.

    28. It really shouldn't matter if something has pony sounds in it or not. As long as it is an original song inspired by ponies, there is no harm in posting at.

      On a related note, you really need to hire new pre-listeners, because describing this as electrotechnodubstep is just about the most ignorant thing I've ever heard in my life.

    29. The first one was the only one that impressed me.

    30. I don't know why, but I really like the third one for some reason...
