• Prepare Thyself For Luna Day!

    Training for Luna Day

    Back on AJ Day I promised you guys that I would have more days dedicated to characters in the show and I'm here to deliver! Next on our list of ponies just happens to be Princess Luna as the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the years) for the Northern Hemisphere starts two weeks from today. That means Luna Day starts December 22 so mark those calendars!

    So you guys know the drill! Send us your old and new Luna creations whether it be music, art, 3D, crafts, plushies, your collections of Luna swag, banners, ect to our submit@equestriadaily.com address with the subject Luna Day and  what sort of material you are sending in. I expect quite a few pieces for this event so it'll be nice if you tell us exactly what you are mailing to us by simply putting it in the subject line. It'll make for much easier sorting on our part. 

    One last bit of instruction and I think we're good! If you're making a banner for us for Luna Day, remember the dimensions are 1000x350!

    We look forward to what you guys put together for this day and so does Luna! Let's make little Woona proud!

    Twitter: Calpain