• Music: Psychedelic Brony: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy Carnival Rid / Equestria Prevails / Giggle at the Ghosties in D Minor

    We got this Super Speedy Cider Squeezy remix yesterday actually. Pretty fast! We also have a different rendition of the Circle of Friends song from Hearthwarming Eve, and Evil Giggle at the Ghosties, It's remix time!

    1.) Psychedelic Brony: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy Carnival Ride
    2.) Equestria Prevails ("A Circle of Friends" rearrangement)
    3.) Giggle at the Ghosties in D Minor


    1. #1 is really good so far
      #3 is creepy, but good

    2. #3 Woah, creepy, still good.

    3. I'm really loving the second one, took me a while to realize it was the song from 'Hearth's Warming Eve.' Equestria Prevails rocks, and this is really fitting music for that. And the other songs were enjoyable too. My bookmarks list is getting long...

      Still, I can't help but wonder where the Story Updates post is.

    4. *shudder shudder* Why is D minor like the creepiest key there is? Everything in D minor freaks me out. Great work on it, though. Sounded really good.

    5. I liek them all but #3 takes the cake for me! Appropriate that its 4AM where I am, lol.

    6. #3 Didn't creep me out as much as make me sad. It's more melancholy to me. Like Pinkie died/is dying tragically.

    7. #1 - I'll never get that song out of my head...

      #2 - Awesome, just awesome!

      #3 - Very good. The ending sent a shiver down my spine (Pinkie's smile is a bit creepy too...)

    8. #2 is awesome
      #3 is awesome too in a very creepy and sombre way...

    9. 1: Badass!
      2: Beautiful.
      3: Interesting... Creepy, but interesting.

    10. Would be cool to get a real orchestra to play a medley of creatively arranged MLP songs.
      Definitely digging the concept on #3. I like the intro, but piece as a whole lacks a certain depth. I think the melody of giggle at the ghosties could be exploited more, because the melodic content doesn't seem to stick.

      For example, state the melody (or some theme) at the beginning so I recognize what I am going to be listening for later. then maybe introduce a new theme and/or modulate to a new key (III, v, or V possibly). then you could take the music through a development section and show off your creative compositional skills. Then recapitulate gloriously in Major or have some form of climax. there's so many different things could be done. It could be much more exciting, but now sounds like a background track, a good one, but it wouldn't necessarily be something I remember. hope this isnt perceived as anything but constructive.

      How did you go about making this anyway? (like what program, and how long did it take?)

    11. Wow love #3, love the creepy sound to it. Sound be in an Castlevania game. lol

    12. Really loved the first two. #3 Was prrty interesting but still amazing nonetheless.

    13. Loving #1 The chorus parts are so damn catchy

      #2 Had me humming along

      #3 This makes great ambience

    14. i love the first one, so good
      second one is just amazing
      third is so creepy but AWESOME

    15. The third one is easily my favourite. Sounds like it would be the perfect background music for a grimdark flash game. Maybe a sequel to Story Of The Blanks?

    16. That second one. Holy crap that's epic, love the martial drumming in it.

    17. So take this opportunity...~

      Yup, it's officially imprinted on my brain. Good job.

    18. All three are great, but I really enjoyed #2.

    19. @The Invincible
      Do NOT, and I can not stress this enough, try to listen to anything in G# diminished. Or any diminished key, really, though the black ones are especially suspenseful.

    20. Ahh #3 takes me back to music class in the 11th grade. We'd always change every song to D minor because it was so hilariously depressing. I'll never forget when we played Happy Birthday. It was not "happy". :P

    21. Love the third one. The coalition of organs with bells creates a nice setting for the piece, although I saw nothing in it resembling giggle at the ghosties
