• Event - Screenshot Your Favorite Pony Scene!

    To celebrate 8 years of pony and the start of the 9th, how about an event just about anyone can enter? Assuming you can pull off a screencap!

    Your mission is to find your absolute favorite scene in pony across the last 8 seasons, or the movie, and use snipping tool, print screen, your archive of screencaps, or whatever else you want to capture it, then write a small blurb about why it is your favorite. If you are feeling super lazy, you can even go look up the episode in our episode followup section. They are pretty great archives of screenshots.

    That's it! Super easy. Maybe we can remind people of some of the best parts of the show that they can go re-watch?

    Get the submission details and rules below!

    What is the deadline? 

    Submissions will close on 9th of April at 1:00 AM PST!

    What is required? 

    1.) A screencap of your favorite pony scene!

    2.) A short blurb about why it is your favorite.

    Where do I submit?

    We will be using our submission system.  Simply click the "Screencap Event!"and fill in the blanks with your entry.  Be sure to drop your blurb about it in the "Additional Information" section.

    Each person gets 1 submission this time around.

    If you would like to film your creation and put it on Youtube,  toss the link in the "Page URL" section.  You will also need a direct image to go along with it though!

    A tutorial for grabbing the DIRECT URL of an image can be found below:

    (Note: Imgur is recommended if you are new to this, but plenty of others allow you to grab direct URL)

    In Firefox select "Copy Image Location" after uploading your image then right clicking on it:

    In Chrome select "Copy Image Address" after uploading the image then right clicking on it:

    This will give you a direct URL. It must end in ".png" or ".jpg".  Example for what it will look like:

    Paste your URL Here: