• Piles of Behind the Scenes Posing Work

    William Bradford has updated his blog with a whole boatload of new stuff dealing with poses in both season one and two. Have a quote:
    "FINALLY got clearance to post these.  GAH my computers at the shop, so some of the more relevant posts I was hoping to post before February couldn't get finished in time.  So so much for the first month of the year.  At least I can finally start posting some Pony stuff.  OY if you told me a few years ago I'd actually wanna post stuff i've done on a remake of My Little Pony i'd say your were nuts.  BUT I was actually allowed to do some halway decent poses on it; and MAN has it been a bit hit.  All I did was pose the characters: i've alterred the backgrounds but they were of course done by someone else."
    I think most of us are in agreement at that first line!

    Anyway, head on over to his blog to check it all out! right now there appear to be five new posts total. 

    Thanks to Beatfox and Kein for the heads up!