• New Marketing Slide Reveals Possible "Secrets of Starlight", Season 2 of Tell Your Tale, and Upcoming Summer Make Your Mark Episodes

    Update: Get a full breakdown over here, clarifying everything we've learned since the announcement last night. 


    We've got a new bit of marketing material for 2023 over on 4chan that we haven't had 100% confirmation of yet, but it looks pretty legit compared to most of Hasbro's slides over the years.

    According to what we have below, we have 6 episodes arriving somewhere between September and October, along with a new MYM chapter 6 theme called Secrets of Starlight, arriving at the end of November that is supposed to include a 44 minute special and 3 more episodes.

    Also expect Tell Your tale to continue into 2024, with 328 minutes of new content planned from longer form content across the year (Slated specifically for March, August, October, and November), all happening on both Netflix and Youtube. 


    And on the sidelines, a brand new vinyl album, and of course more updates for the various games they have. 


    Anyway, go get the slides below! As mention above, we don't have actual Hasbro confirmation of this yet, and things could always change, but it doesn't seem too farfetched.