• Random Merch: Umbrellas, Hair Clips, and a Matching Backpack

    It's summer!   Time for GIANT STORMS.   We have Hurricanes and Tropical stuff happening on the East cost,  Tornadoes in the midwest, and an upcoming monsoon season that does absolutely nothing here in Phoenix other than taunt us with giant clouds that never quite make it.   Hasbro knows you need a pony umbrella to battle the elements!

    This one in particular can be found on Play.com for £8.99.  (inb4 my first paragraph was completely worthless)

    They also have a matching backpack found below for those that desperately need to wear pink.   Thanks to Shukie for the links!

    And we also have more hair clips from H&M.  Looks like Europe is getting everything these days.  Thanks to Nika for those.