• Music: Lower the Moon

    More awesome Luna stuff from Iamnotacleverpony

    Because it's awesome.


    1. Iamnotacleverpony is my favorite brony musician.

    2. @Narwhals' Bend
      He's everybody's favorite =)

      I got all his songs on my ipod.

    3. What makes this Poni-Relevant besides the background? You need to tighten your tolerances or else every other wannabee musician on youtube will be adding a poni to their videos for a bit of free publicity.

      Still a really good techno-track, though, so w/e.

    4. @Anonymous
      Winter wrap up (at the everfree forest) has a similar section to winter wrap up and has a line from zecora.

    5. @Anonymous

      Go read the video description.
      Actually, don't. I can see your very busy, so I'll just quote it here for you.

      "MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?2q6u5djatt78r7r
      I am releasing an EP in bandcamp by the end of this week, it will be a collection of the 4 Luna-Themed tracks I have on my channel.

      "Princess Luna, As Imagined" EP

      1) Princess Luna's Lullaby (No vocals)
      2) Lower The Moon
      3) For The New Lunar Republic
      4) The Stars Will Aid Her Escape

      Thematically, I tried to represent the day Luna refused to lower the moon.

      MLP: FiM belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro. Screenshot is from Episode 1. Only the music is mine."

      Just because it's not a remix doesn't mean it's not Pony related.

    6. reminds me of Glitch Mob, and I love Glitch Mob :D

    7. @Anonymous
      Well, the music is inspired by Luna (as is a lot of his music) so I think it rightly deserves to be featured. Like how fanfics have tried to flesh out Luna's character Iamnotacleverpony is doing so with music.

    8. SUCH.WONDERFUL.MUSIC. *Splodes*

    9. Why are there not more people commenting on this. Did we get left behind and everypony else ascended?

    10. All bronies are nice which means that the rapture took them all to heaven! Yay!

    11. Thank you for finally posting this Seth yay!

    12. I'm still here. I am a heathen. And I'll convert to whatever religion Ponies follow.

      Anyways, I love Iamnotacleverpony's work!

    13. Very nice! Played it four times already. Now I've downloaded it so I can put it on endless repeat without eating more bandwidth. 8^) The surprise after the two minute mark takes some getting used to. 8^)

    14. Great stuff from my favorite fan composer. If only I knew what program he uses to make his music.

    15. I really like these pony inspired songs. It manages to sound very Lunaish without using any music from the show.

    16. Yay more Luna stuff!
      And it's another great song from Iamnotacleverpony.

    17. Like I keep telling you man, everyone knows your name and loves your work, as do I. You're an inspiration to me, and I can't wait for the remix war to get underway so I can remix your work!

      I'm actually considering remixing this song :D

    18. Haha. Pony religion. Other than the belief that Celestia and Luna control the Sun and the Moon, is there anything we know about it?

    19. Not clever? Bullshit!

    20. I don't normally listen to music without lyrics, but this was freakin awesome! I need to download it to my ipod somehow

    21. I love all his Luna music <3

      It's just so.... right.

      And It's inspiring the basis of many different chapters in my fanfic :3

      heck, it was one song that gave me the idea i have.

    22. @Brony_and_Proud
      There's a mediafire link in the YouTube info, same as with all his stuff.

    23. How awesome. This is truly a beautiful homage to our most beloved Princess of the Moon. Another beautiful night, thanks Luna!

    24. I went in expecting this to be fairly meh as it's about a 5 minute character, but that was actually pretty good.

      Didn't like the stop at 1:45 though.

    25. Parts of this really remind me of playing through the Metroid Prime series. Which makes me wonder why there hasn't been a crossover with that yet...

    26. And then I subbed iamnotacleverpony.

    27. very cool. i love it.

    28. Many of the songs from Iamnotacleverpony are on the playlist I use to inspire me to write my fanfic. This one, I think, will soon be added!

    29. @Anonymous
      Mood/ And source of inspiration.
      For the lyric-less music there is only a mood. that makes composition something-relevant

    30. There's nothing like raving on the moon. I am now inspired to make a space/moon like version of 'All the Rage' by Funeral for a Friend. Great song. These all these Luna songs are incredible.

    31. I... I love this song so much. x3

    32. I am constantly surprised by all the music this show has inspired. I guess I should not be as the show and its music are amazing, why wouldn't it inspire people. This is another great track, keep up the great work.
