For those that missed the demo earlier, the Equestria Online team did a livestream of some of the basic points in their game. Right now it is in pre-alpha, but it's fully decked out with it's own online server and people running around. Pretty neat! Check it out after the break.
[Normal] [Adventure]
Author: KupoMechanic
Description: We all know of the legendary exploits of Dr. Whooves, but what about the other ponies who happened to gain an hourglass cutie mark? This is The Hourglass Society, a government organization charged with guarding time itself. We join one young pegasus named Brown Sand, as he is recruited into the Society and quickly finds out the Risks, Rewards, and Responsibilities that naturally come with your special talent being the flow of time.
The Hourglass Society: Prologue
The Hourglass Society: Chapter I
The Hourglass Society: Epilogue
Additional Tags: Time, Was, Always, Decidedop 10:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: KupoMechanic, Colgate, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story -
[Dark][Adventure] "Hyperviolent and dark as hell... but It has that noir vibe to it in spades... Ready for primetime" - Pre-reader #3
Author: Garnot
Description: While investigating a string of violent crimes in Canterlot, detective Gro'gar—a pony of sordid past and uncertain future—stumbles upon a conspiracy that reveals one of the nation's oldest evils is raising once again. Together with a young Shining Armor and a former cultist filly much like himself, he'll have to uncover the terrible truth before the shadowy cabal makes its next deadly move in their bid for control. What he uncovers—and the battles he subsequently wages—will test his resolve, integrity, and very nature.
The Fifth
After all, monsters are not born. Monsters are made. Not even Gro'gar is safe from this fate
Additional Tags: Noire, "Quite Dark", Alternate Universe, return of the old ones, detective, pulp, monster, Grogar, Tambelonop 8:21 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Garnot, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story -
[Normal] [Sad]
Author: The Mechanic
Description: Celestia, Luna, and Twilight are visited by a mare who knows a lot more about history than she should... and sometimes the best of outcomes can come from the very worst of beginnings.
Laughter is the Music of the Soul
Additional Tags: History, Loss, Hope, Old and Newop 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: The Mechanic, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Season two is right around the corner, and a whole bunch of marathons are going on to celebrate the final hours.
After the break, I'm making a list of places to hang out for the next 12 hours, so go be social!
Hax Mega
Midnight_Run (Starts at 9:00 PM EST)
Filly Synchtube Channels 1/2/3/
Scratch's Cure for the Itch (Music Mare-a-thon)
Season Two Episode One Livestreams
Midnight Run
Filly Synchtube Channels 1/2/3/
Equestria Online HUGE announcement and Demonstration stream (9:00 PM EST)
Marshmallow on Celestia Radio (8:00 PM EST)
Equestria Rave Radio (Saturday 12:00 AM EST) -
[Grimdark] [Crossover]
Author: Scriber
Description: A mysterious viral outbreak grips Equestria, threatening the very life of the country. In an effort to stop the infection, Princess Celestia orders all individual settlements within Equestria to be quarantined. Can Twilight Sparkle, along with the other Elements of Harmony, figure out the cause of this horrific virus and put a stop to it? More importantly - can they survive?
Cantering Death (New Chapter 11!)
Additional Tags: Zombies, Grimdark, Infection, Virus, Survivalop 3:39 PM
Labels: Author: Scriber, Crossover, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Other, Star-4, Story -
Source / Click for Full -
[Sad] [Normal]
Author: TheVulpineHero1
Description: Rainbow Dash has left Ponyville to follow her dream of starting a flying team. However, when Fluttershy has an accident and needs help, Rainbow Dash's loyalty to her friends and to her team is tested.
Additional Tags: Gradual, Dramatic, Contemplative, Emotional, Illnessop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: TheVulpineHero1, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Sad, Star-5, Story -
[Normal][Crossover] Semi Street-fighter crossover time!
Author: Captain Gamer
Description: A fighting tournament comes to Ponyville! Can our favorite ponies go for broke, or will they have to go home and be family mares?
All Links After the Break!
op 6:59 AM
Labels: Author: Captain G., Crossover, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Star-5, Story -
Music: Nightmare Symphony / Le corps de la force - An ode to Applejack / Thoughts of Twilight
by Sethisto
Symphonic edition?
1.) Nightmare Symphony (No Embed)
2.) Le corps de la force - An ode to Applejack
3.) Thoughts of Twilight
[Normal] [Crossover] [Comedy] [Shipping]
Author: Pen Pal
Wooly Fetlocks, the legendary fashion designer, has finally returned from his mysterious sabbatical. His wondrous and beautiful fashions flow to the far reaches of Equestria once more. Of particular interest are his affordable designer socks, of which five packages contain golden tickets which will allow the bearer entry to the hidden world of Fetlocks' factory. Luna is deeply enamored with Fetlocks' socks, and actively seeks a ticket. Will Luna acquire a golden ticket? Will she win Fetlocks' secret prize? What mysteries await inside of Fetlocks' Factory?
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Prologue
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 1
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 2
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 3
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 4
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 5
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 6
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 7
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 8
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Interlude - Luna Celly Flashback Time!
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Nightmare Night Interlude
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory: Chapter 9 (New!)
Additional Tags: Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory Crossoverop 12:50 AM
Labels: Author: Pen Pal, Big Mac, Celestia, comedy, Crossover, Diamond Tiara, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Rarity, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE
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