The G5 Comics continue! We've had covers revealed for this one back in December and January, and now a synopsis continuing that baking theme!
Head on down below for the full details.
It's time again for horse history! We had classic JOHN MADDEN OIOIOIOIOIOO nonsense today, and lots of merchandise!
Get all the major headlines from 2011-2018 that happened on February 16th below.
Stylized Fluttershy header, cause different styles are the best part of fan art.
Go get the anthro and human below!
[0] SourceIt's a big one today! I have no idea why but I'm not complaining. 62 drawings in all this time around. Start with this cute batty and get the full gallery below!
Hard to believe this was 10 years ago huh? Are you guys feeling old yet? ‘Cause I sure as heck am! That said, even if it was a long time ago, if you were in the brony community in early 2013, you probably remember when Twilight was on the road to becoming an alicorn princess, and the subsequent reaction. And by reaction, I mean the internet losing its collective mind! But like it or not, Magical Mystery Cure is a monumental episode in Friendship is Magic, and looking back on it, it had a profound effect on me and my perception not just on MLP, but television in general.
So today, on the 10th anniversary of Magical Mystery Cure’s premiere (we’re all ooooooooold!!)I want to talk a bit about how the debut of Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle affected me.
Author: The Psychopath
Description:Luna realizes that her sister has become something of both an idol and a symbol of Equestria since she was -ahem- on forced leave. In fact, Celestia has, perhaps, become the biggest figure in Equestrian history. The moon princess decides that she's going to use her skills in the artsy fartsy to make sure her sister remains the 'biggest' for decades to come by submitting her latest piece to the Professionals' Equestrian Art Contest.
Equestria's Biggest Princess