Can you spot everything wrong with this image? If you can, don't tell Sugar Belle.
Let her dream and instead click on the image for the full comic!
It is no overstatement to say that this song blew everypony away during the latest DustCar stream party a few days ago. I fortunately got to attend that one, and among many other wonders as usual from those compos, this HUGE mega collab that has 34 musicians contributing has certainly won my heart. There's that distinct SGaP-like emotion that can be felt through this tender instrumental progression and heartfelt vocals all around, and here it's with a fresh new song from the community that shows once more our unity and the power of our passion and love. Go experience it for yourself, and let's all gather in one big group hug...
Download the song in FLAC from here, check out all the contributing musicians and the lyrics from here, and join DustCar's Discord server from here.
Twilight Sparkle is best unicorn. I said it.
Art below.
It is just a month away from 2021, and over the years many of us have made loads of friends thanks to this silly horse cartoon. People we will probably interact with for the rest of our lives.
How did you do over the last decade? What is your current official friendship count for people that also like colorful ponies?
Decorate that desktop! Wallpaper posts are pretty rare these days. I think a lot of people are rockin 4k at this point too.
Go get them all below.
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