Nightly Discussion #3450
by CalpainSome Luna here to greet you tonight. Hopefully you all had a good weekend and are nice and refreshed to start the week anew.Ready to chat my friends?
Source If you had the choice, would you rather hang out with the Mane 6 of G4 or the Mane 5 (or is it 6 now, who knows) of G5?
I like Sunny, but I think I would rather hang out with the cast of G4. Ignoring the fact that Luna is in G4 (which is all I need), I just think Twilight and the gang have more interesting hobbies and personalities. They do more average and relatable things in their daily lives that we know about, so they just feel more real to me. I also wouldn't mind an intellectual conversation with Twilight :P.
What about you? Discuss Below.
Anthro and human arrives, with Spike and Rarity as your header.
Go get art below!
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by peachmayflower -
The kirin will combat. We've got your art gallery today! Head on down below to check it all out as always.
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Spiritspring Jump [Commission] by Darksly-z on Deviantart -
Another oldschool pony organization is shutting its doors today. If you are in the newer crowd, Ponychan is an image board that helped provide refuge for everyone being banned on 4chan way back during the early pony purges that were going on in the early fandom. It provided a place for game makers to brainstorm ideas, project starters to run grand events, and of course just general cartoon horse discussion. The domain is being saved, and the site is archived, but outside of that it will no longer be accessible.
Hopefully the rest of us early titans of the pony fandom can keep surviving as we delve further into G5 and possibly G6, but it's rough for a website in 2023 with the dominance of social media. Lets remember all the good times over the years and celebrate the crazy amount of poni that we've flooded the internet with anyway!
Morning Discussion #3248
by CalpainTia here to wish you all a good morning. Can you already feel her days starting to get longer?Hello everyone, hope you had a good sleep! Ready to tackle Sunday?