Cadance was the next in line to get a fitting song made by BlueBrony for the upcoming album, and that also means one more unexpected genre to tackle! The nostalgic vibes from this Nu-Disco are fitting to some of the aesthetics the mare has been depicted in, for example dancing at disco clubs in her teenage years like Cheerilee! This Rush Hour is certainly moving the hearts of many! All eyes on her!
Improvising lead melodies for 7 minutes is no small feat, and it just makes me smile to imagine Ocean Melody composing this song while thinking about the upcoming new pony content!! It's just so lovely, and with this many wonderful works being made out of trailers alone, I can't imagine what could happen when the movie and the show will be out..! I'm sure there's gonna be a torrent of new fan music!
Nightly Discussion #2623
by CalpainLooks like someone is a little flustered!Evening everyone, another weekend come and gone. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Some of us introverts actually prefer the masks~
Art below!
[0] Source
Marble walking by NekoAlex1991 on Deviantart -
In any music festival, there’s always the chance of disaster striking when you least expect it. It could be a wardrobe malfunction, losing an important item, or in this case, getting you foot stomped out at a hoedown. But when disaster strikes, you can always count on your friends to at least stick with you and not abandon you when there’s a performer you want to see. I guess I can say that would be the moral of this short. Either that or make sure there’s a pillow or blanket in the wheelbarrow if you need to move your hurt friend anywhere. Those things can be uncomfortable. Let’s see how Applejack does with an injury when trying to see her favorite country idol.
A company called Dynacraft has apparently jumped on the G5 bandwagon with this ridable Izzy plushie. It's fully powered to travel 2.5 miles per hour for all the toddlers out there that want to ride a pony.
She also talks, saying lines from the movie apparently. We will have to see what those lines actually are once she releases for $90 at Walmart in September. Keep an eye out! Hasbro is going all in on this one.
Thanks to SakuraTheKirin for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #2391
by CalpainTime to get up and greet the day! Fluttershy is ready, are you?Morning everyone! I hope you all had a pleasant night. Time to chat?
Twitter: Calpain