A celebration of Ponvyille Ciderfest's events tonight.
Click on the image for the full comic!
Countess Coloratura was celebrated big time today! And Princess Twilight Sparkle aired for the first time, showing us what we could expect for the future of pony.
Time for history! Go get all the neat stuff that happened on 11/22 below.
Them's Fightin' Herds just dropped its newest update, bringing on 5.1.0 which adds the new armor break mechanic and a bunch of other things you can read over at the patch notes. They also revealed their upcoming new DLC character Baihe. I'll include her picture and stage shot below.
The big news is their announcement that the game will cease development once all of this finally releases. That includes the rest of storymode, which has unfortunately been cut. Once the rest of the season pass is released, they are officially done.
You can read their announcent over here.
G5 dragons anyone? We are going to find out all about them tomorrow aren't we?
Go get art below!
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by luminousdazzle
The Dark Skies reveals continue. This one covers a few more unique changeling traits and racial perks to follow along with the last page.
You can find the full details on this adventure over here.