I figured I'd clarify some things for Music of the Day here since that seems to be the theme this month. This post was primarily an experiment that people seemed to enjoy, though the expected result of interest waning over time when quality and originality is lax did happen pretty fast. It still gives a few people willing to adventure something to do!
Music of the Day is primarily for the following:
- Songs that don't quite make spotlight but aren't really insta-reject worthy
- Songs that we already posted the albums of (a lot of the Ponies at Dawn stuff went this route, we are looking for a better way here)
- Songs that are probably not pony even if they have a pony image. Usually if we get samples from outside the show (the "Hey Hey Hey" thing you hear in everything these days is a good example). Unless it's incredible, motd it is!
- Covers that don't really improve much on the song they are covering
- Super common, but still well done songs in cluttered genres (we should probably be stricter on these too in Spotlight. It probably would have helped over the years)
- Super niche experimental stuff that most wouldn't like, but it's fun to give it a shot anyway
The idea was, if we give people a chance anyway, maybe they will make something better in the future with the limited feedback they get. In a reasonable amount of cases, this worked, but most just chilled for Music of the Day and released songs daily with little effort, and this is perfectly fine! It wasn't going to be for everyone and even if we got 3-4 new awesome spotlight musicians, (which we did and then some), its worth it.
We are always looking for ideas on how to improve music here on EQD. Please fire an email off if you have some!
Anyway, go get 15 songs!