We've seen a fair number of plushies come through here, you and I. I and you. Us. But what we haven't seen is something quite like this. What is 'this', I hear you asking. Yes you, in the back. I can hear you. Pipe down! This is, in fact, not in theory but in
fact a Rainbow Dash. She is four feet tall. She is twenty huggable pounds of pony. Do you understand the significance of this? I think that you do.
I can only imagine how difficult it was to put this bad girl together, which is convenient because it turns out I do not have to thanks to
this tumblr. So what I'm going to do is sit here and stare at Dashie, because she is a very pretty pony. And I'm going to watch that auction linked above like a hawk because
I wants this, precious. I don't even have room for a full sized pony in my apartment. I don't care! =D