• Poll Results: What are your views on the pony "Waifu" thing?

    That's a lot of waifus. I wonder what would happen if multiple people fought over one? Would we have a new waifu war? Or is this still a giant joke?

    NEW POLL: 

    Yesterday, we ran a new thing with Rarity Day drawfriends to let people avoid "saucy" images entirely. They were separated out into their own island for the people that like that sort of thing. We are trying to gauge feedback on if this was a good idea, or if we should just keep them behind links in the existing posts.

    Chances are this won't happen often outside of pony themed days when art is corralled up, or at all depending on feedback in email, comments, and polls. We are monitoring it! Please let us know. It seemed like a good way to keep the "normal" art squeaky clean, and a compromise for the people that don't mind the risque stuff since Rarity apparently spawned so much. For examples:

    Rarity Day Best of Art #1
    Rarity Day Best of Art #2 (Saucy Warning) 

    Let us know via email or poll!

    And get the results of this one below.