Evening everyone, ready for some little news tidbits before hitting the hay?
Nightly Roundup #1516
by CalpainIt's starting to get late, time for a little snooze, wouldn't you say?
Evening everyone, ready for some little news tidbits before hitting the hay?
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Utterly cute and happy vibes in this "half-vip mix, half-sequel" to ƥRYZ and Layl's song Best Friends, now with more rainbows of Friendship thanks to Twilight reminding us of that very true moral. How the ending message from S01E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles got sampled here is so wonderful (Just write it, Spike), and ƥRYZ did so lovely with this new appreciated Student Six song! I love their relationship a lot too!
From ƥRYZ's words:
"It's a bouncy happy hardcore song inspired by the magic of friendship, complete with the cheesiest voice sample I could find from Season 1 of FIM.
The original only had Silverstream on the thumbnail/albumart, and while I do think the song fits her personality well, this time I really wanted to capture the essence of friendship and togetherness." -
Nightly Discussion #2275
by CalpainAn adorable pony loaf, even comes with free blep!Evening everyone, I hope you all have had a good day. Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
SPACE. The best pony fanon.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Rocket Science by NevoBASTER on Deviantart
A musical part of a story coming out along the upcoming album Super Pony World - Fairytails, Hyperion is a collab with loophoof that is blasting musical creativity at every corner! It's so cool that Vylet is collabing with other pony musicians and regulars of the scene, making for new fusions of talents!
Animation: Different View of Love
by Calpain
A new pony PMV is out and it has some pretty decent production quality! I know I'm not much of a PMV watcher, but I can tell when a lot of hard work and effort has gone into a project like this.
Check out the video after the break for some Twi and Flutterbat! A big thank you to everyone who sent this one in.
Delta Vee's Junkyard - Episode 3
by Calpain
We've got the next installment of Delta Vee's Junkyard for you all today. It looks like after the next episode they'll be all caught up!
Check on after the break for the usual get animation and voice acting!
Rarity Day arrives tomorrow, which means it's time for you to send stuff in for her!
If you'd like to submit for Rarity Day, send a submission to [email protected] with RARITY DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so RARITY DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Now go celebrate fashion pone!
Captive Unicorns aka SoGreatandPowerful is back (again), this time with those heavenly vocals gracing a collab with Somasis! The lyrics are as mysterious as ever, but as Luna is mentioned I'm assuming that it has something to do with her! The very soothing and starry song is definitely a delight! (And there's a Nightcore version on the same channel that tricked us on April 1st!)
[Slice of Life][Sad]
Author: Zontan
Description: It's been a hundred years since Twilight was crowned. Most of her original friends are gone. Now, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain, each with a spark of something special keeping them past their time. But unlike Twilight, neither of them has a claim to true immortality.
All Things In Time
Additional Tags: loss and dealing with itop 6:00 AM
Labels: Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Sad, Star-Needed, Twilight Sparkle -
Morning Discussion #2047
by CalpainEven villains need some time alone, you know?Morning all of my friends, I hope you all slept well! Time for a brand new day and some chatter!
Twitter: Calpain