• Bangkok "Project SEAPonyCon" Convention Drops a Trailer for Chinese Audience

    Project SEAPonyCon has released a Chinese trailer for anyone over there looking to make the trip over to their event in Bangkok, Thailand. Head on down below of that is relevant to you!

    Hi everypony! Being a pony convention in Asia, we understand that not everyone may have access to YouTube and/or Facebook due to censorship and/or government policy. Therefore we have uploaded our official trailer AND a Mandarin/Chinese version of our trailer to YouKu, which should be viewable worldwide. We hope this helps!
    Please share the trailer to your Chinese-speaking friends and tell them about the pony convention that's about to rock their side of the world in 2017!
    Official Chinese Trailer (中文预告片): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY3MDc4ODM5Ng==.html
    Official Trailer for Limited Access Regions: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY1OTUxMDgxNg==.html