• Equestria Daily Turns 14 Today!

    Woah. Is that... another year? Have I really been doing this for 14 of those? Is that even healthy?

    Today marks the 14th anniversary of EQD! We've survive 2 whole generations of pony now and I'm surprised every day that something hasn't orbital nuked this entire concept by now. While I don't have nearly as much time to run it as I used to, hopefully it's keeping you all up to date on pony even if things are a little late sometimes!

    Where do we go from here as we enter a supposed year long wait for new official poni? Will Hasbro deliver us something epic for G6 or will it be some Newborn Cuties tier nonsense that does nothing for us? I suppose we will find out at some point in the next 12 months. Hopefully it's good whatever it is! 

    EQD itself will keep doing what we do. Things might slow down a bit, but the fandom is far from dead. There are still piles of fan content being made from every single category on that navigation bar up there, with big projects in the pipeline from some of the most beloved pony creation teams. As long as Google doesn't blow it all up, or some crazy EU/USA ruling bans blogs randomly, we will survive. Or our Artificial Super Intelligence overlords. Hopefully they don't wipe us all out either...

    Anyway, off to another year! Feel free to support the site on Patreon if you'd like to contribute, or just share our links around since a blog in 2025 is basically a unicorn on the internet these days with social media. Onward to another chaotic half a decade!

    Follow Sethisto on  Twitter and Bluesky!