• Praise the Sun! - Celestia Day Begins


    Artist: NadnerbD

    While it isn't the longest day of the year yet, best to celebrate Celestia today before she has to put in all of that work tomorrow, you know? She's going to need to be well-rested for it. And so, like every year we help her out by celebrating all things Celestia! From comics to art to fanfics and more we hope that you'll be able to enjoy today's celebration of everyone's favorite Sun Butt.

    If you're still trying to get material in for the big day, make sure to send it in by 12pm PST to submit@equestriadaily.com with subject line reading Celestia Day followed by what you are sending in.

    Example: Celestia Day - Comics

    We hope that you all have fun today! Make sure to check back every so often for some new posts.

    Twitter: Calpain