• Pirate Ponies! - Guardians of Harmony MLP Movie Stock Images Arrive

     Twilight and Pinkie Pie Pirate My Little Pony Movie Guardians of Harmony

    Stock images for five of the upcoming pirate themed Guardians of Harmony sets have arrived. Can I just say how much I am going to buy the hell out of that Twilight Sparkle? What an awesome costume.

    Head on down below the break to check them out!

     Twilight and Pinkie Pie Pirate My Little Pony Movie Guardians of Harmony

    (Pre-order here!)
    Twilight and Pinkie Pie Pirate My Little Pony Movie Guardians of Harmony

     Boyle and Applejack Pirate My Little Pony Movie Guardians of Harmony

    (Pre-order Here!)

     Boyle and Applejack Pirate My Little Pony Movie Guardians of Harmony

    Guardians of Harmony Rainbow Dash Swashbuckler Pirate Ship

    Guardians of Harmony Swashbuckler Pirate Ship Rainbow Dash 1 MLP movieGuardians of Harmony Swashbuckler Pirate Ship Rainbow Dash 1 MLP movie

    Thanks to David and Ryan for the heads up!