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    Story updates! We have three again. Get them below.

    Story: Through the Well of Pirene (Update Part 16!)


    Author: Ether Echoes
    Description: Daphne has tried to live her life as any normal teenage girl would, focusing on school and the intricacies of adolescent life in an effort to forget her more imaginative childhood. Now, however, her kid sister has been kidnapped by forces she cannot understand, and she is forced to give chase into a land she had once thought only make-believe. Cast adrift in a strange and magical world, Daphne must find her sister, before she can use the Golden Bridle to take control of Equestria as the pawn of a dark and terrible master.
    Through the Well of Pirene (New Part 16!) 

    Story: Shipping and Handling (Update Story 2 Part 13!)


    Author: Pegasus Rescue Brigade
    Description: When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?
    Shipping and Handling (All Links) 

    Story: The Six Deeds of Harmony (Update Part 8!)

    [Sad] [Adventure] [Dark]

    Author: Defoloce
    Description: A lovestruck knight in Equestria's early days, unconvinced of his own worthiness, decides that he must prove himself to the mare he loves. With Princess Cadence as his guide, he is put on a quest by the Crown to go forth and right wrongs and ease sorrows associated with latent Chaos, all while learning of the Elements of Harmony from the ponies' companion races.

    The entire piece is written in iambic pentameter, with the exception of Luna's pronouncement of the quest in the first chapter, which is an English sonnet.
    The Six Deeds of Harmony (New Part 8!)