• Tumblr Spotlight: Ask The Zodiac Ponies/Clockwise Whooves/Scootaloo the Adventurer/Ask Hothlonian Ponies

    Once again it is time to take a trip through the world of Tumblr and dig out some interesting samples from the world of Tumblr Pony. We've got a unique blend for you guys tonight so make sure to check them out!

    If you have a tumblr you'd like to contribute, please make sure to send it along with a brief description of your tumblr to calpain@equestriadaily.com where I'll try my best to take a look at it for possible inclusion in a future post. Now on to our first tumblr this evening!

    Ask the Zodiac Ponies

    Much like the filly up above, many fans were ecstatic to see the unveiling of the zodiac ponies by the Hub a few months ago. Since then they have taken on a life of their own and are still popping up in artwork on dA to this day. One particularly impressive feat involving these ponies though revolves around this particular ask tumblr. In Ask the Zodiac Ponies, various questions are asked to the different ponies representing the zodiac and while this might not seem special at first glance what makes it truly unique is that each zodiac pony is handled by a separate artist! That's right, this tumblr is a collaborative effort, so if you're interested in seeing a variety of different styles, both art and story wise, then this tumblr is certainly worth checking out!

    Ask the Zodiac Ponies - Current Page - First Page

    Clockwise Whooves

    For you Doctor Whooves fans out there we've got a treat for you tonight! Starring the Doctor and his family as they go on crazy adventures, this charming tale written and drawn by SaturnSpace is sure to please with its combination of beautiful artwork and its endearing cast of characters. Check it out at the links below!

    Clockwise Whooves - Current Page - First Page

    Scootaloo the Adventurer

    I was a huge fan of Moon Stuck with the ever adorable Woona and her bat pony friends so I'm pleased to bring you this next tumblr! While not created by Egophiliac, this tumblr is directly inspired by the style and format of Moon Stuck (don't worry, the artist obtained permission to use Ego's style) and I must say it pulls it off very well. As for story, Scootaloo the Adventurer features Scootaloo who has become lost in a vast jungle and needs your help to find her way home. Cute and humorous, this tumblr is sure to be a hit with fans of Egophiliac's previous tumblr works!

    Scootaloo the Adventurer - Current Page - First Page

    Ask Hothlonian Ponies

    Finally on our plate tonight is an interesting OC blog that has come to my attention. Starring a brother and sister mining crew, Ask Hothlonian Ponies follows the duo's adventures deep beneath the surface as they deal with danger, fun, and everything in between. For those of you who like a little bit of adventure in your tumblrs, this one is worth checking out!

    Ask Hothlonian Ponies - Current Page - First Page