• Story: Trails and Trials (Update Part 7!)

    [Friendshipping] [Dramedy]

    Author: Mazzyrazzy
    Description: From a young age, Ditzy Doo knew she wasn't like most ponies. Jinxed and uncoordinated, she was shunned from all social circles as she grew up. When a friend finally comes her way, Ponyville's residential mailmare will surprise everyone—including herself—when she demonstrates how far she's willing to go to keep that friendship.

    Trails and Trials (New Part 7!)

    Additional Tags: The Ballad of Derpy Hooves


    1. I've been reading this one... It's a sweet story where Twilight befriends Ditzy, and Ditzy is super excited to have her first real friend.

    2. Friendshipping? I'm liking this tag.

    3. Cute image, I remember seeing it a long time ago.

      This looks interesting, I think i'll find time to read this, friendshipping means it should be fairly nice and I like the idea.

    4. I bumped into this one a while ago but wasn't able to find it again until last week. It's definitely a good read.

    5. Friendshipping and dramedy?

      Are you sure that it's not by any chance also:

      clopventure, crossdark and slice-of-grim fiction?

    6. Comedy; check. Drama; check. Fun; check. Art; check. It's a dramedy fart! lol

    7. @Maquabra
      Nope, just an innocent tale of making friends. Check it out, it's a good read.

    8. Comedy; check. Drama; check. Fun; check. Art; check. It's a dramedy fart! lol

    9. I am very pleased by the first comment~

      Hope you enjoy the story everyone.

    10. Given the subtitle of the show we're all fans of: Friendshipping really needs to be more common!

      I'll be giving this a read later, no doubt.

    11. Wow, this is brilliantly written! I'll definitely be watching this story, especially with that cruel cliffhanger on the most recent chapter!

    12. Yes! Congrats, Mazzy! I am very glad to see this here!

      It's a fantastic story, and everyone should read it!

    13. Aaaaawww, what a great idea. Kudos!

    14. Brilliant story
      Brought tears of joy to my eyes on more than one occasion :)

    15. This is a wonderful wonderful wonderful story.
      Its like a shipping fic without the shipping, if that makes sense. Like how Derpy and Twilight became friends and over time both see each other as family and share a kind of deep relationship none has with any other friend.

      I loved every pony described in there, they all felt real and kind of canon but at the same time not like copies outta the show but truly to life coming characters written by Mazzy.

      It´s 4:00 am over here, i should go to sleep now.
      Just so much, chapter 5 was sososososos sad with dat cliffhanger and given the fic picture (beautiful one by the way, congratz and many thanks to the artist, what´s his/her name?)it will be sad and dramatic for the coming chapter too. You should know though that i´m sure you gonna pull it off, whatever you have in plan for Derpy and Twilight and everypony else.
      Though i do hope your plans dont include the death of somepony, all that blood on Twi made me feel so helpless... ;A;

    16. OMG it finally made it to EqD? XD awesome!

    17. *squints* "The Ballad of Derpy Hooves"

      Grave! did you get Mazzy to submit this story or did you do it for her? o.O either way glad it's on the site xD this story is amazing!

    18. @Cátsy

      Oh yes, my monocle fell off when I read that tag! (I can already picture Mazzy's trollface) And no, I didn't submit this, though I had been waiting for this to pop up on EqD--

      The characters are very likeable, and it's all wonderfully written, and well worth the read.

      Congrats, Mazzy!

    19. Oh and Mazzy I really wanted to say, your Lost in Love was really good! grats on getting this on here!

      FYI dat additional tag... lawls! I WISH that was the actual title to this story now xD nice jab there mazzy ;3

    20. messed up there a bit, oh my... hope it made sense but just in case let me fix it up a bit:

      "Oh Mazzy, I really wanted to say that your "Lost in Love" fic was really amazing! I think I never blushed so much in so few paragraphs before... um, it was really nice! *squee*

      Also I'd like to thank you for sharing this most gracious of fan-fics with the Fandom during such hard times. This is a very moving fic and I just want to hug you for how well you put this together!

      And thank you Sethy for posting this up on the front page! =D HAPPY-BELATED DERPY DAY EVERYONE! (everyday is Muffin day far as I see it)"

      There, I hope that minor grammar correction to my last congratulatory post. Hope this one sent my message of appreciation a little more, um, clear?

      Enjoy New Ponyday everyone, I look forward to seeing much assertiveness out of our dear Fluttershy today. 83

    21. correction to my correction! THANK YOU CEREAL AWESOME-SAUCE VELOCITY for posting this one on this front page!

    22. That fanfic was a miss for me; Derpy's adorableness wasn't particularly attractive, and the teasing is just mean. Sorry, didn't get past the second chapter

    23. just started fanfics, i love this one it is so very well written and so very cute :) <3 derpy

    24. omfg i just finished reading the trails we follow, please oh please do not let it end like this author, please do not leave it at this!!!! :(

    25. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ ;A; ;A; ;A;
      *bawls cause of the lastest chapter emotiontrain had hit him hard and squeezed his heart tight*
