• Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Sequel Part 25!)

    [Adventure] [Tragedy] Fanart after the break!

    Editor: Nine
    Illustrator: Denial
    Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.

    Envy and Arrogance
    Guilt and Hate (New Part 25!)

    Additional Tags: Constant updates. Got it memorized?


    1. Oh ho ho, that image alone makes me think. We'll see what this is about, indeed!

    2. >Rarity image
      >Constant updates

      You've got my attention.

    3. Elements of Harmony are weapons of mass destruction?

    4. >Nov 22nd.
      >no updates sinse.
      >Constant updates.


    5. @wackypony
      This has... been in the pre-reader process for a long while. Lets just leave it at that.

    6. "Got it memorized?" is one of the additional tags. Might give this a read when I'm done with Fandom Crisis

    7. Additional tags: ..."Got it memorized?"
      Axel? Lea? Is that you?

    8. Elements of Harmony isn't the only magic of destruction huh? There's a new magic that is unknown. Could be. could be.

    9. Okay, author note time!

      Yes, this has been in the prereading process for quite a while... they're picky, to say the least, but I've always listened to their advice carefully. As for constant updates, well, the story was posted just today, right? I just sent the second update and I'll be sending more as the posts roll out. It's not like I don't have constant updates; in fact, I have the entire story completed, but it's just been held back by the obvious need for revisions. And yes, I play a LOT of Kingdom Hearts. Too much. This isn't a crossover, though; make no mistake of that. I like the Tragedy genre and find that not only do I have a knack for it, but it's an underpopulated genre, so I gave it a shot.

      If anyone has any suggestions, please, let me know! Everyone's opinion is important. I have six editors already, and I won't be surprised if my team expands. Speaking of, I can't thank sonic30, Nine, Darth Zakora, Galactic, UndercoverBrony, and RazorRaptor for making all this possible. First Equestria Daily, then the world!

      Flood of feedback, so I have to attend to that. Cheers!

    10. #typo

      I mean, I can't thank them enough. Though I suppose that's implied.

    11. Nice to see that this finally got on EqD.

    12. Can't read the story. Something took out fimfiction.net

    13. @KeeCoyote

      I think it only goes down if you were using Crome. I'd try again now, though, because it's working again.

    14. Huh, that's actually pretty good. The ambient corresponding music is a really nice touch.

    15. Quite a touching and interesting story so far.
      The provided music really helps set the mood and the writing style is powerful in doing so to. My only criticism is that in the latter chapters, the blood and violence became excessive. Not in a 'too much gore' way but in a 'unnecessary to be there' way.
      Other than that, I look forward to seeing how it ends and what final twists await.

    16. Good story, but it ends at a rather odd time. Any chance you'll be continuing the storyline?

    17. @Nimbus the Unicorn

      Of course! Didn't you see my FimFiction blog post?

      For future reference, I always keep my readers up-to-date on things like sequels, side stories, and otherwise, just not here. Make sure you check those out first before commenting!~

    18. @Mindblower

      I don't use FimFiction that often, so I wouldn't have known to look in your blog or whatever. All I know is it's pretty poor timing to end the story there, so a sequel is almost necessary.

    19. @Nimbus the Unicorn I disagree, i think the story, or rather this section, ended rather appropriately seeing that revolved around the 2 "weakest" (yet still tough as he11) elements of disharmony. Now that their roles have been played, it's time to move on to the next two anti-stars! Also did anyone notice that the only two ponies, besides Twilight, that passes their test in the beginning were the only two ponies to actually, well, UPGRADE!?

    20. Wait, it says update part 21, but there is no chapter 21 yet!

    21. LIAR! You promised me a part 21, but there is none yet.

    22. I sent it as:

      "Envy and Arrogance Update Sequel Part 1."

      So don't ask me! I'm e-mailing Seth right now about it. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon. In the meantime Guilt and Hate has been published, and that's what I meant when I submitted this as an update.

    23. That header image...Why is evil Rarity so hot?

    24. *Spoiler Alert*

      Spike is the new Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash is the new Celestia. Everything makes sense now!

    25. Deception's identity just became very obvious in this last chapter.

    26. @Dynamo the Unicorn Really? Do tell. I'd be very impressed if you were correct.

    27. Too lazy to make a Tvtropes page but I added examples in AnyoneCanDie, KillAndReplace ILetYouWin SevenDeadlySins and EvilGloating
