• Comic: Berry Punch Explained / Interpretation Station

    Now we just need to give Lyra wings! 

    And Twilight Sparkle misinterprets the true reason for her cutie mark.  Magic isn't your specialty! Stop lying to yourself!

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    1. #1's sort of old, well, not really... maybe a few days old.

    2. Wait, Berry Punch has been depicted as a pegasus on the show?

    3. Haha, love #2. Never saw that similarity before.

    4. #2 is perfect. Nicely drawn and good punchline.

    5. The really weird thing about #2 is that the compass similarity was mentioned in the fic Darkest before Dawn which was posted here about an hour ago lol...

    6. #1 Because logic.

      #2 Clever, I liked it.

    7. So, if Berry Punch is an alcoholic AND an alicorn, does that mean her special super magical abilities are to get incredibly drunk and survive as well as make all sorts of alcoholic beverages that would kill the normal pony?

    8. Oh the 6 points of Twilight's Compass Mark don't point to North South East and West.

      They point to Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Genorosity, Loyalty and Magic!

    9. Psh, Lyra doesn't need wings, we've already seen she can walk on clouds perfectly well without :P

      No2 is pretty good, and as Tyranoman said, kinda odd the compass thing has come up twice in as many hours. Some kind of Compass Pony Conspiracy in the making?

    10. #1 "I’m a wings are princess, are you a beautiful too? *hic*" That gave me a good chuckle, haha. Princess Berry Punch. Rules with a drunken hoof.

      #2 Hah, I see what you did thar. Actually, nice little find with that. I never noticed but it actually does look kinda like a compass star. I like Twi's expression in the third panel. Just has a funky look. :P

    11. #2 I like that OC pony, I can totally see her being on the actual show. A David Livingston type explorer pony.

    12. LOL! I redub Princess Berry Punch as Bacchus-tia, goddess of wine and intoxication!

    13. We already have an alcohol themed pony: ButterScotch Sundae

      Talented in not only tasty frozen alcoholic beverages, but excellent writer too.

    14. A compass has eight points, not six like Twilight's. But still, very similar.

      I would like to see a fic where Berry Punch goes all Drunken Master on a group of Diamond Dogs or some other enemy though. Would be hilarious.

    15. Obviously Berry Punch has to be an Alicorn. That's how she handles her alcohol so well.

    16. Just now i saw it. Dat Rarity banner

    17. 1. Praise Berryshine Punch our new god.

      2. Very funny.

    18. I have always wondered why Twi's cutie mark looks like a compass rose. =/ It doesn't really look that much like a sparkle to me. (And it's a bugger to try to paint on custom ponies)

    19. lolz I think Berry has been hitting her fav drink a bit hard to come up with being an Alicorn. xD

    20. At 2:

      Actually, she should talk to Prince Blueblood.

    21. Thank you #2 for giving me a good solid reason for geting a t shirt with Twi's cutie mark on it.

    22. "Now we just need to give Lyra wings! "

      Ask, and ye shall receive.

