• BGM: Rarity's Parents / Rarity's Realization / The Big Race

    I figured we would see these pop up pretty quick for this episode.  The BGM was definitely really well done. 

    1.) MLP:FiM BGM: Rarity's Parents
    2.) MLP:FiM BGM: Rarity's Realization
    3.) MLP:FiM BGM: Sisterhooves Social - The Big Race


    1. ow, season 2 BGM already? Awesome!

    2. I never expected Rarity's parents to appear at all.

    3. Gotta love that organ! Reminds me of soap operas.

      Second one's pretty. Overdramatic, of course - this is Rarity - but still pretty.

    4. @Dublio
      I was really glad they did. I was starting to seriously wonder about them, though. (Could've done without the accent, though, and that's from a Wisconsinite)

      When they eventually put out the MLP soundtrack, I'll be rather sad if it doesn't have all the background music on it.

    5. We need the background music for Applejack and Rarity`s conversation the night before the race.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. @sonotenteiBerry has gotten so drunk that not only does she see in double but is on double

    8. Some of the finest BGM in the show so far.

    9. Derp, didn't mean Season 2 BGM, meant episode 5 BGM. Anyway, really good music right there. It certainly wouldn't be the same show if it didn't have all that BGM to go with it.

      @ColoradoMillenium Sweet Celestia I hope you're doing that on purpose...

    10. Haha, I when I saw her parents I was litterally shouted, "HER PARENTS!" heh
      That music for them is so awesome for some reason. Feels old fashion and like something you'd hear at a Fair. Not sure why it seems to fit them so well.

      As for #2, that scene kicked me in the gut as soon as it showed Sweetie Belle's art. It was just so unexpectedly D'aww inspiring that I couldn't help but tear up a bit. But then she went back to being her dramatic self and caused me to laugh when she said, "..as Celestia as my witness.."

    11. @ColoradoMillenium Yeah, before crediting, you may actually want to listen to the music, and look at who wrote it.

    12. I really liked the background music for Rarity's parents. Not the music itself, but that it suited them so well that they looked the old fashioned family you'd see at county fairs.

    13. Um... so that post that just disappeared...

    14. Yes I wa waiting for these! The background music in this episode really impressed me (and that is a rare thing). I didn't think it would be up so soon though!

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. #2: Must... Not .... CRY!!! Q_Q

      oh and btw

      Can anyone tell me how to filter the sound to get either the BGM or the voices only?

      or at least just tell me what software to use?

      Pwetty pwease!

    17. @mrsteroids

      Drag the .mkv iTunes encodes into Audacity 1.3 beta (you'll have to install Audacity's FFmpeg library prior to doing so).

    18. You know... if it weren't for Will Anderson being so good at what he does, I might have not even been a brony. When I was giving the show a try I kept finding the really good underscore to be redeeming against the idea that watching the show was socially unacceptable (obviously I got over that though).

      Thing is... I never... NEVER thought I would be here looking at this Rarity pic like I am now.

    19. @Senn555

      can you be more clear about the ''Drag the .mkv iTunes encodes into Audacity 1.3 beta'' part? :)

    20. Thanks so much! I've been looking for this!

    21. Dear William Anderson,

      I will marry you. No questions asked. Your music fills people with crazy happiness.

    22. @mrsteroids

      Okay, first you go here, and click the 720p links under the torrent or Ponyarchive columns to download episodes:

      Then download and install Audacity. You will also need to download and install the FFmpeg import/export library.

      Run Audacity and open up an episode .mkv file. It should process for about a minute or two - once it's done, it will show you six separate audio channels. The top two are front left and front right (music), the third is center (dialog and SFX), fourth is subwoofer/bass, fifth and sixth channels are back left and back right.

      Go to File > Export Multiple to save all of these channels as six .wav audio files.

      I guess you could use Audacity to edit the files further as need be, though I personally use Sony Sound Forge 7.0 for all of my audio editing work.

    23. #2 Looks like Pashapup's artwork no wonder rarity went like that

      btw Rarity Soap Opera Ham Style Drama Queen Battlecry FTW!!

    24. The first BGM has a strange Paper Mario feeling to it

    25. @Senn555

      thx alot ^^. I'll look into it

    26. Isn't #2s music from that scene in Gone With the Wind?

    27. I just realized.

      In video #2, right after Rarity finishes hamming it up, it cuts to marshmallows roasted over a fire.

      Is it just me, or is that a subtle nod to the "Rarity is a marshmallow" meme?

    28. That's some really funky elevator music at #1 xD

      #2 D'awwww

      #3 The start sort of reminded me of AJ's stage theme for Fighting is Magic.


      *noms marshmallow self*
