• Story: Once Upon a Gala

    [Normal] Because Rarity needs more front page space!
    Description: Sometimes a dream is all you need.
    Once Upon a Gala


    1. You taste that flank, Spike.

    2. Sleeping Beauty reference get.

    3. She dreams of marrying royalty despite not knowing if royalty for sure has anything to marry.

      Basically her idea of marrying into the princesses family is not very likely unless her dream pony exists and then proposes to her fives seconds after seeing her with a diamond ring on his horn.

      I think the truth of the matter is, ponies would rather wear necklaces as wedding bands instead of rings which seem to be more of a unicorn thing.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I liked it, but shouldn't this have a shipping tag?

    6. I liked it, overall a good story. Just a few tips, though:

      There was a bit of an issue with tenses towards the end: either the present tense stuff should have been past tense like the rest, or else it should have been italicized (if you were going for more of a dream-like quality with those parts). Also, the phrase is "once IN a lifetime," not "once AND a lifetime." Just sayin'.

      Anyway, though, I enjoyed this nice look into Rarity's pre-gala dreaming. And SIXTY dresses? Geez, that Sapphire Shores sure is demanding...

    7. Spike, expect to get bucked!
