• Chrysalis Day Discussion: Character Arc, Episode Ideas and More!


    If there is one really defining moment I think that FiM blew away with season 2 was that this show could introduce some amazing villains. While Discord is certainly the favorite from the season, I'd argue that Chrysalis is not too far behind!

    Devilish, one of the only villains to reject reform, and at times just plain creepy, Chrysalis not only was a cool enemy, but her introduction brought with it the lore of the changeling species as well, spawning not only much fan material but changeling OCs as well.

    Hanging with us every now and again since season 2, her arc came to an end at the end of the show. As with any ending, there are always a myriad of opinions as to how the show ended and how it could have ended. So what do you think? Would you have done Chrysalis' character arc differently? What episodes would you have liked that were centered on her or the changelings?

    Talk about all of that and more in the comments!

    Twitter: Calpain