• Story: Nine Days Down


    Author: JoeShogun

    Description: Sometimes it's fun to play the damsel in distress. Princess Celestia knows this better than most. Usually it works out fine. I mean, really, she could have escaped at any time, but Twilight and her friends have been so effective in the past that this time, well, Celestia may have let things get out of hoof. It was all fun and games until she got unceremoniously tossed into Tartarus. Even then, it wouldn't have been so bad; she's a goddess, after all. But alas, Tartarus is not Equestria, and Celestia is not all she could be when trapped there. Even worse, it appears that she didn't get thrown into The Pit alone. Now, a mostly-mortal Celestia and her faithful student must traverse the wilds of Tartarus, the fabled prison of all the things that were deemed too monstrous, too disturbing, too outright dangerous for world they know. Surely an exit will present itself...

    Nine Days Down

    Additional Tags: Twilight and Celestia get lost in Tartarus.