• Pony...Cameras?

    Working retail for a few years, I have seen a lot of these camera things sit on shelves collecting dust until eventually they drop so low in price we pretty much give them away.

    But can ponies make them worth it?!

    (Probably not :3)

    That Applejack in the top left just looks...awkward.  Maybe it's a chiropractor before and after ad?

    Translation after the break!

    Trochę dalej, już na obrzeżach Ponyville -> A little further away, just at the outskirts of Ponyville

    znajduje się farma kucyka Applejack -> there is an Applejack pony farm

    Słynąca z najlepszych czerwonych jabłek -> famous from its finest red apples.

    Gęsty, tajemniczy las oddziela Ponyville od reszty krainy -> dense/thick(?) , mysterious forest separates Ponyville from the rest of the lands

    Zapraszamy! -> Welcome! (literally : [we] welcome [you]!)
    Za miesiąc następny numer czasopisma -> a new issue of the magazine will be next month

    Mój Kucyk Pony -> My "Pony" Pony [it's common here to say "kucyki pony" jusst because many people don't know what Pony means. We grew up on the old cartoons.]

    Cudowne opowieści ->wonderful stories
    ciekawe zagadki -> interesting riddles
    kolorowanki -> colouring [book pages]
    Plakat -> poster
    2 prezenty - 2 gifts
    kucykowy aparat + niespodzianka - the pony camera + a surprise
    w kioskach od 26 maja -> in kiosks [kind of small shops and magazine/newspaper stores] at 26th may! 


    1. Holy... it's in Polish!

    2. For some reason...those ponies on the cameras look soo.......G3-ish to me.

      And yes, that AppleJack on the Top Left IS scary...


    4. A bit futher away on the outskirts of Ponyville is farm of pony Applejack, famous for her best red apples. Dense mysterious forest screens Ponyville from rest of the realm. (I belive they mean Everfree)

      Welcome! (as in "you are weolcome here")

      Next month another issue of the magazine!

      My pony PONY ((DERP)) (kucyk = pony in polish)

      Wonderful stories.
      Interesting riddles.
      Color books.

      2 gifts
      pony camera + surprise!

      In kiosks on 26th may.

    5. My question is, why are they still putting G3 ponies on the camera?


    7. Oh wow, I see the G3.5 abominations on the camera. What the hell MLP?

    8. "That Applejack in the top left just looks...awkward"

      Ponies got to get paid son. I bet AJ just did the add to pay for grannies new hip.

    9. wait wait wait... did you just say... poster?

      I'll buy 10.

    10. Hey wait a second, your right! Those ponies on the camera ARE from G3(.5)! Eww...

    11. Me thinks this is Polish.

    12. I've got to make a subscription for this.
      Tomorrow this poster is mine

    13. WTF is Applejack doing on the first picture?

    14. Trochę dalej, już na obrzeżach Ponyville -> A little further away, just at the outskirts of Ponyville

      znajduje się farma kucyka Applejack -> there is an Applejack pony farm

      Słynąca z najlepszych czerwonych jabłek -> famous from its finest red apples.

      Gęsty, tajemniczy las oddziela Ponyville od reszty krainy -> dense/thick(?) , mysterious forest separates Ponyville from the rest of the lands

      Zapraszamy! -> Welcome! (literally : [we] welcome [you]!)

      Za miesiąc następny numer czasopisma -> a new issue of the magazine will be next month

      Mój Kucyk Pony -> My "Pony" Pony [it's common here to say "kucyki pony" jusst because many people don't know what Pony means. We grew up on the old cartoons.]

      Cudowne opowieści ->wonderful stories
      ciekawe zagadki -> interesting riddles
      kolorowanki -> colouring [book pages]
      Plakat -> poster
      2 prezenty - 2 gifts
      kucykowy aparat + niespodzianka - the pony camera + a surprise
      w kioskach od 26 maja -> in kiosks [kind of small shops and magazine/newspaper stores] at 26th may!

    15. Hasbro really doesn't have a clue...

      Either that or they have a lot of old stock to clear, and they think by putting a few FiM stickers on things will make them sell.

    16. Ej, dużo tu Polaków wchodzi? XD Trzeba nam chyba narodowego fanclubu.

    17. ...heh. Powiem to tak, jest jeden Pan, tłumacz z zawodu, który próbuje przetłumaczyć fanfiki MLP, tj. wraz z tłumaczeniem imion kucyków w stylu kreskówek G1. I co teraz?

      ...i, btw, pomysły na imiona? Anyone?

    18. @Anonymous

      Nie tłumacz nazw własnych.

    19. > "there is an Applejack pony farm"
      > there is an Applejack pony farm
      > Applejack pony farm

      The picture on the top-left is making me crack up. HER SMILE; IT'S LIKE "c:" WHILE DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT WITH THAT POSE.

    20. @Anonymous
      Twilight sparkle : Blask Zmierzchu ?
      Hmm... Nie widzę sensu w tłumaczeniu imion.
      Natomiast tłumaczenie fanfików wydaje mi się ciekawym pomysłem. Czekam z niecierpliwością.

    21. It's just AJ doing her Rarity impression.

    22. @Anonymous 3.57pm & 3:59
      To co w takim razie z grą słów bazującą na imionach bohaterek etc? Np:
      "I'm Rainbow Dash and I dash away!
      I'm Applejack and I... .... I hate you, Dash." ;)

      Cały pic polega na tym by tłumaczenie stanowiło pewne.. wyzwanie. Do tego imiona odbijają pewne cechy kucyków i są ich integralną częścią, tłumaczenie ich z pewnością narzuci pewien infantylizm, ale jest on konieczny by oddać całą tą specyficzną otoczkę tworzącą świat kolorowych kucyków Pony (sic!). .....i że nie wspomnę tu o odmianie imion w naszym języku. Applejack, Applejack'a, Applejacką\kiem\ohgodwhy

      Na wikipedii jest cały artykulik o MLP wraz z tłumaczeniami starych imion. Jak na coś skierowanego na 8 dziewczynki to nie jest źle ;)

    23. That is one stoned looking Applejack.


      Yeah, that's a bit of a mangled translation. It's actually more of "There [is/lies] the farm of the pony Applejack."


      This is pretty good. Except "zapraszamy" is more of "[we] invite [you]" (as it's "zapraszamy", not "witamy").

      And seriously, "mój kucyk pony" ("my pony 'pony'")? What were they thinking?

    24. Poland cannot into ponies

    25. Refurbished cameras are refurbished.

      Stick it on a poster with G4 Applejack and
      TA-DA! New product!

    26. NAPISANE PO POLSKU? hehe....i jescze G3 ponies na tej kamerze...so Poland is still as totally backwards as I remember it...

    27. I'm going back to Poland this summer (like I always do)and I WILL SEARCH THROUGH EVERY KIOSK IN THE GODDAMN COUNTRY UNTIL I FIND ONE OF THESE.

    28. "kiosk" is just a newsstand.

    29. So what magazine is this in? Was there anything more with ponies?

      About translation: Since names are meaningful, they should be translated. But so far all names were left as in original in all translations(correct me if I'm wrong), so I'm afraid "Cześć, jestem Rainbow Dash, a to jest Fluttershy" is a sad reality ;/.

      Not to mention "Kucyk pony" sounds stupid. Weren't the old cartoons translated as "Mój mały kucyk"(which makes much more sense).

      But hey, as long as we get ponies in Poland, i'm not complaining!

    30. @Anonymous
      Odmiana imion rzeczywiście jest przerażająca.

      Dodatkowo problemem jest fakt, że większość imion głównej kadry brzmi naturalne jako rzeczowniki rodzaju męskiego(temu jakby nasze kucyki były facetami, nie byłoby problemu tego odmienić przez przypadki: Applejack,applejackowi,applejackowi,applejacka,applejackiem,applejacku,applejack. Pestka. Ale konia z wąsem kto zrobi w sensowny i naturalny sposób to dla rodzaju żeńskiego...).

    31. So you found the page i posted recently on 4chan?

      It's from the polish MLP magazine where the new ponies are finally introduced.

      It even have a Ticket Master episode on VCD

      in bad quality and poorly dubbed , but little girls won't care.

      Cheers! gdz@poczta.fm

    32. There was /co/ thread about translating pony names into polish language some of them was sounded pretty, pretty good. I can't remember all of them but for example.

      Applejack - Jabłonka
      Twilight Sparkle - Iskierka
      Scootaloo - Zefirek
      Applebloom - Antonówka

      Drom what I remember Spike was the biggest problem.
      Despite fact names are translatable I would most likely stay with original ones.

    33. By the way...

      "...słynąca z najlepszych czerwonych jabłek..."
      ( famous from its finest red apples )

      Green apples in a basket
      They must be the bad ones.

      Kucyk pony also cracks Me x)

    34. AAH!Adverts. Keep 'em away, it hurts!
      WHY? WHY? WHY?! We don't even have this show airing here in Poland. And who do they hire to write/translate this shit?
      The last thing I want is for Ponies to get here in this kind of quality. It's sad cause they will get here in this kind of quality, I mean even Naruto didn't escape it. I miss the golden Disney age when things got some attention during the localization, now those that do are rare exceptions like "Phineas and Ferb".

    35. @Anonymous Sam myślałem trochę o tłumaczeniu "fan fiku", zobaczymy jak mi z tym pójdzie w wakacje, ale i tak założę się że będę jednym spośród wielu, więc nawet jeśli mnie nie wyjdzie, to i tak zostaniemy zalani przez tonę tłumaczeń różnej jakości... będzie ciekawie, to przyznać trzeba.

    36. >>My Pony Pony
      Oh, Motherland, why?

      Which is weird considering the old show aired as "Mój mały kucyk" ("My Little Pony").

    37. Gdybyśmy tłumaczyli wszystkie bajki tak, jak Kucyki Pony, to nigdy byśmy nie mieli Muminków czy Kubusia Puchatka, moi mili.
      Coś się wymyśli, i będzie to przyzwoite, bo kilka opowiadań tutaj mi się podobało.

    38. Poland - fucking shit up since forever.

    39. Różowy Placku, jesteś taki losowy.

    40. Pinky pie? The best translation I heard for her was Kruszonka.

    41. Niech zostawia oryginalne imiona tak jak w tym spolszczonym odcinku i będzie ok.

      to jest salomonowe wyjście.na razie poczekajmy te 2 tygodnie ;)

    42. @Japko Actually since XVI century, before that we really did kick ass most the time as a nation.

    43. @Cyfrostan
      "Forever" sounds more dramatic. Pinkie dramatic.

    44. Właśnie, Hasbro pracuje już nad jakimś oficjalnym tłumaczeniem?

    45. Slowpokes. ALL OF YOU.

      This magazine has been coming out in Poland for a few years already, and yes, the art presented in it is based mostly on G3. It seems that they started putting some G4 in it lately, even though we don't have FiM in Poland. A few months ago there was this big FiM poster with the mane cast included as a gift and all (hardly worth your 8 zł, though). It's a magazine for really little girls (similiar to all those others Barbie etc. magazines), and the gifts are usually some kind of plastic jewelry so don't expect those cameras to be of high quality, either. They probably have some rotating pictures of the ponies stuck in it and that's it.

      And since 'Applejack' is some kind of a beverage made from fermented apples, I vote for Applejack's Polish name to be Jabol, o.

    46. Holy mother of cow Polish accent on Equestria :D
      Me so happeh :D

    47. @Tańka

      poster with FIM cast...? bugger.

      though i am not missing anything as you say. the present issue have princess celestia poster , which isn't that great either.

      oh well , fluttershy's "yay" for G4 in poland anyway.

    48. @Tańka Jabol, huh? Well this would kick way too much ass for MLP standards and Polish localizations are not exactly the place to look for the break in the tradition of sucking.

    49. Najlepszym tłumaczeniem Applejack byłby chyba Jabłecznik.

    50. Poland gets a pony magazine?

      Well, at least it looks terrible. Otherwise I'd be jealous.

    51. I lived in Germany for a while so I'm quite familiar with these types of magazines. Kids' magazines in Europe are usually like this: they're based on a pre-existing cartoon or franchise (Mickey Mouse, The Smurfs, and Pokemon all have mags) very short (like maybe 60 pages total, and a third of that is ads) printed on really sturdy paper (so it's harder for kids to tear) and always come with a cheap toy.

      The toy is very often just a surplus toy that used to be sold separately but now the company wants to get rid of its extra stock. Since these cameras are covered with G 3.5 ponies I'm guessing that's the case here.

      As for the content of the magazines, you're not missing much. They usually include stuff like summaries of the episodes (big long ones with lots of screegrabs, to eat up space) a short comic (usually reprinted from another source) and character profiles (which never tell you anything you didn't already know.) There's never any new art produced for them, it's always recycled publicity art and screencaps. Usually you can find every picture from the magazine by going to google images.

      tl,dr: These mags are basically cheap cash-ins. They're also really overpriced (the Pokemon one I bought was the equivalent of eight dollars) considering the lack of real content. But they sell really well in Europe, probably thanks to the "free" toys (and the fact that kids in Europe ACTUALLY READ.)

      These are not to be confused with comic-based magazines like WITCH, by the way. Those are usually quite good and have a lot of original content. They're also aimed at a slightly older audience, and usually don't include a toy.

    52. @Cyfrostan
      Yeah, probably. Poo.
      I remember that on my VHS copy of Battle for Midnight Castle Applejack was translated into Jabłuszko, simple as that (followed by Firefly translated as Iskierka, Medley as Nutka, etc.). While there was seemingly no effort to translate the names into something closer to the original, I think that, in the end, it kind of worked. Tęczowy Pęd just doesn't have the same cool ring to it like Rainbow Dash does. Nevertheless, to whoever takes on the challenge of translating pony names into Polish: good luck! :)

      And it seems like German kid magazines are a lot better than those in Poland. Ours usually have like 32-48 pages, and that's it. The only thing they seem to have in common is the ridiculously high price, yes: my parents possibly spent a small fortune on the Donald Duck magazine for the kid Tańka.

    53. @Anonymous

      Yeah: you are better off with printing some pony fanart on your own (there is a ton of awesome fanart in this fandom :D). The service will probably be cheaper than this magazine, haha.

    54. eyup, everytihng's cool, but... O matko boska to nas aż tylu tutaj jest?? :D

    55. Coming up with the names is tough stuff. If Hasbro somehow drops the ball on this one, either by retaining the orignal names or by coming up with something ridiculously stupid, then I'll just go ahead and do it my way. It is my job, after all, to win over your subjective opinion.

      By the way, does anyone have a link to that /co/ thread with name brainstorming?

    56. Well the toy camera will be gift for the next month's MLP Magazine here in hungary too. i don't care about the toy I care about MLp in it so I'll buy it just like I bought it regularry before the G3.5 themed MLP Magazines were here in hungary becausI couldn't stand out that design and the Core 7.

    57. Zostawcie imiona postaci w spokoju, dając im nowe zabieracie im część kim one są.

    58. Dobra teraz czy numer z płytą jest z tego miesiąca i go jeszcze gdzieś znajdę?
      Jestem strasznie ciekaw jak to wygląda (brzmi) chociaż pewnie hujowo jak wszystko z polskim kulawym dubbem. Ale trzeba mieć dla zasady. Chyba, że ktoś wrzuci na jakiś upload.
      W ogóle to nie wiem jak kupie takie pisemko chyba hit and run w kiosku na drugim końcu miasta:)

      Pozdro dla wszystkich polskich bronies dobrze wiedzieć że jest was tu więcej.

    59. @7

      Ja dzisiaj kupiłem ten numer z płyta.
      A dubbing masz tu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRZD6RgjPrk

    60. nie macie czego załowac gazeta jest beznadziejna film jest w beznadziejnej jakosci a ozdoby sa masakryczne i nie pasuja do mojej rainbow dash ale zato plakat plakat jest niesamowity !
      drugiej gazety na pewno nie kupie chyba ze bedzie plakat apple jack albo rainbow dash

      do not have a big regret is hopeless movie is in a desperate quality ornaments are masakryczne and do not fit into my dash but sinus rainbow poster poster is amazing!
      other newspapers certainly do not think he will be a pile of posters apple jack or rainbow dash

    61. > Różowy Placku, jesteś taki losowy.

      Radykalne, czlowieku.

    62. I am from poland, reading about ponies in my native language is too hardcore for me. I just stick to english.
