Nightmare Night Dubstep: Vylet Pony - BEAUTYSLEEP (feat. R3CTIFIER & Namii) / Einarx - SHED.MP3
by ExplodingPonyToast
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Nightmare NightShare This!Comments
Surprise! Another awesome Halloween release has drooped from the Youtube of 2Snacks, just a few months after Fallout 4. Two alicorn princesses dive into the wonderful world of Friday the 13th.
Head on down below the break to watch it!
Nightly Discussion #1245
by Calpain
Wings must be absolutely amazing, don't you think? Flying around, splashing the waves as you pass. What a joy it would be to fly.
Evening guys, time to chat.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Following up on part one from earlier, this is part two of your bat pony storm!
Below the break, get the best bat art from the last three years. Expect eees. Expect tiny fangs. Expect apples dripping everywhere cause bats gotta drink.
Get it all below.
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Commission - Pony at home by Atlas-66
It's glorious Nightmare Night, and time to celebrate with some of the BEST art out there! Last year we did a Nightmare Night theme, and it has just come to my attention that it has been a whopping 3 YEARS since out last Bat Pony compilation. What kind of hyper-obsessed semi-obnoxious batlover am I? To fail for so many years at another bat pile?
And so, I give you our 2017 edition of the BEST BAT PONY ART! This will cover all bats from Halloween 2014 onward.
This is part 1! Part 2 will go up in one hour. Once it's up, you can find it here.
Now go get your modern bat ponies below! Charrge!
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by mav
Community Soapbox #56 - Tempests Butt Symbol, Spike's Crush, Apes in Equestria, and More!
by Sethisto
Last week was the last of the lesbian horse soapboxes. Sorry all of you submitting them! We only wanted one from each side.
Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST. To submit your own, see this post.
Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want.
Headlines for the week:
- Spike’s crush on Rarity is only Superficial
- MLP Helps You Unleash your Inner Beauty!
- Fish Is On the Menu
- Apes in Equestria
- The Curious Case of Tempest’s Cutie Mark
And get your soapboxes below!
IT'S HALLOWEEN and you woke up next to this. What do?
Expect 2 GIANT bat pony Drawfriend posts later!
Get a bunch of art below!
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flutterbat by mirroredsea
T-Mobile is celebrating cartoon horse again with another promo for the Tuesdays program. Pony toys at all Target stores are 20% via their Cartwheel app. This stacks directly with any other promos or clearance that are currently going on, at least in my experience using it.
Just point your phone to the T-Mobile Tuesdays app to do it. The promo only lasts a day.
The Brony Thank You Fund is popping up at EQLA for the Lauren Faust fundraiser, and they need help. Exact description:
Wanted: Helpers to sit at the Thank You Fund table and at the door for the Lauren Faust fundraiser at Equestria LA. Work 8 or more hours and we'll comp your EQLA membership, and you'll get all of Sunday to yourself. Help buck cancer, support budding animators, and we'll even give you a special personal introduction to Lauren Faust herself! [email protected] for more info.
Shadow Play-Inspired Orchestral Music: Jyc Row - The Pillars Of Equestria / Cloud Hop - Legends Of Magic
by ExplodingPonyToastWe've got some pretty awesome orchestral tunes here, both inspired by the recent season finale! First Jyc Row's piece, which is the first of seven to be released as part of his Heroes EP, certainly captures the epic vibes with some great use of percussion and strong celtic-style composition throughout. The second piece, from Cloud Hop, starts off a little more reserved, but has an awesome mystic vibe to it, and it quickly establishes some strong string sounds that carry the vibe excellently, and the use of piano later on is terrific also. Check out both tracks below!
"Okay, that should be big enough for everyone to see."
Have you ever thought about owning original comic art from the My Little Pony comics published by IDW Publishing? Have you ever looked at the prices of those pieces and blanched at the prices?
Well, you're in luck! For the rest of this week, My Little Pony Comic Artist Tony Fleecs has put all of his interior comic art pages on sale at TonyFleecs.com for 50% OFF with Discount Code NIGHTMARE.
Quick bit of math here. If the page costs $100.00 (plus shipping) without the discount code, it now costs $50.00 (plus shipping). $200.00 (plus shipping) is now $100.00 (plus shipping)! This is indeed a case where the more you spend the more you save! So (if you can afford to) spend a lot and get the most out of your dollar!
And since Tony pretty much only draws interior comic pages for My Little Pony, this is the biggest sale on My Little Pony Original Comic Art in history!
Tony is giving up a lot by putting them all on sale for 50% off! You don't want to let this limited time offer slip through your fingers! So go repay his generosity and buy some original comic art today!
You'll be glad you did.
And on a completely unrelated note, I need to figure out where I am going to hang these two original comic art pages I just bought. I swear, I am running out of wall space…
Twitter: The Illustrious Qop 8:00 AM
Labels: Comic, IDW, IDW Comic Staff, Merchandise, News, Official Comic, Original Comic Art -
Morning Discussion #1024
by Calpain
It's time for Halloween everyone! Have any plans for this most candy filled day?
Morning everyone! Sleep well?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Twilight and her friends aren't the most logical of horses, and an irritated Celestia has to deal with the brunt of it after every single episode. The Letters From an Irritated Princess series has completed the first season, with 25 episodes of Cele harshly criticizing her less than socially successful student. The last one we posted here was Dragon Shy, so there are quite a few to catch up on.
Head on down below for the full playlist!
Nightly Discussion #1245
by Calpain
What do you think Luna listens to music-wise? Peaceful things? Hard rock? Video game music?
Evening my friends, time to chat.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The Pumpkin event ends tonight, and submissions close once we prep the post! Time to get those pumpkins in. If you've carved a pony, head on over to the submission post for information on sending it over.
Plushie Compilation #252
by Calpain
I swear that plushies are just getting better and better over time! Not only is the plush itself amazing but the clothing to go along with her is superb.
Keep up the good work everyone! Get the rest after the break.
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Saloon Pinkie Pie Plushie by ButtercupBabyPPG
A brand new set of pony toys has been revealed by a company called Diario El Universo. Each one comes with a book and has a staggered release date over the next few months. 12 are included in all, and they tie into an app for augmented reality ponies kids can play with.
You can find their full calendar, order form, and single images of the figures and books over here.
Thanks to Hyperba for the heads up.
You know what the schedule is called when there are four My Little Pony comics published in a month with only four weeks? Well, if the Legends of Magic #5 and Friendship is Magic #58 hadn't piled up onto on Wednesday it would have been called weekly but alas weekly comics was not the case.
I do however call it a happy coincidence… for my eyes if not my wallet. So, how did IDW's My Little Pony comics fair in the month leading up to My Little Pony: The Movie?
There was a lot less turtles in the month that's for sure. As for the rest, you'll have to check that out after the break!
I want whatever this is to be a video game so I can play as that neat sphinx/pony thing on the left side. The species you guys come up with are so cool~
Go get art below!
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Breath of sands by Wilvarin-Liadon
I just realized it has been months since our last normal Wallpaper post. You all should submit more! Or make more.
Time for walls. Go get em below!
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Stylized Sphinx Wallpaper by FrownFactory
I hope everyone who attended HASCON in 2017 had a great time cause Hasbro is running it again in 2019!
I for one cannot wait until 2019—with news about ticket sales scheduled to be announced in 2018. I only hope everyone will be ready for another Hasbro party, cause no one throws a party like a Hasbro Party!
After the break, you'll find Hasbro's full press release detailing the dates for their next convention. Be sure to check it out!
Morning Discussion #1023
by Calpain
I might not play Overwatch, but I have to say that Rainbow looks pretty great in that outfit at the very least!
Morning my friends, time to chat.
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The imminent approach of nightmare night is almost always certain to coincide with a spooky new tune from General Mumble. He might not do so much pony music nowadays, but it's certainly quite the treat when he brings it out! The manipulation of Starlight Glimmer vocals here is top notch, and mixes with the eerie chords excellently. Check it out below to help get into the mood for the spooky holiday!
Nightly Discussion #1244
by Calpain
Some CMCs being adorable to help end your weekend my friends? Got to admit, they are one silly gang of tiny horses.
Evening guys, chat time!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend
by CalpainStream time my friends, you know the drill! Get what we have after the break.We always need more streamers for the Sunday streams so feel free to sign up! Any sort of art that can be streamed is welcome whether it be crafts, animation, digital art or more feel free to send in your application today!As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 5:30pm EST / 2:30pm PST on Sunday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
After Tempest's absolute domination of the last poll, we went ahead and split off the non-Tempest movie characters to give them a shot. This one was much more even between two of them, with a 3rd place coming pretty damn close.
Head on down below for the results!
New poll: What Episode of Season 7 Was Best? (Part 1)
26 options is a lot for one poll, so we will split the season in two! Expect another vote following this one for part 2, and a final war between the top four.
Comic: In Time 8 / Heart Attack / Rye 2:18 / Worth 2:28 / Hellfire 1 / Shadows 11 / Lonely 2:90
by Calpain
And so another multiparter comes to an end. Sad to see A Moment in Time go, it was a sweet little Spike and Twilight story while it lasted. Excellent work dSana!
Comics guys, get them after the break.
TEMPESTE. So much fan art of her lately. I think we need another compilation at this rate! Or maybe a drawing event?
Get a ton of art below!
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[COMMISSION] Tempest by Setharu
Tridashie's Pony Girl, featuring the voices of Brittney Ackerman and IMShadow007, was certainly quite the hit when it was released, and now Midnight Musician has released his own house-y spin on it. It uses the vocals from the original animation excellently, with an upbeat feel throughout, and the main drop section has some great house-y goodness. Check it out below!
Hi, I'm Cereal Velocity. You might remember me as that obnoxious white horse on Twitter, or by, "wow, where the hell did that guy go, anyway?"
It's been quite a busy year for bite-sized personal horses. The launch of a feature film that by all accounts has earned its budget back should embolden Hasbro to keep funding more of them, fingers are definitely crossed for the assets created for its process and workflow make their way to the show, and we've long since had confirmation that an eighth season is well on its way next year.
I think it's safe to say that none of us expected to be here right now.
And it's awesome.
Today, we cap off season seven with a two-parter finale- Twilight's Fanfics, the Episode.
Author: ArgonMatrix
Description: Serenade, a young and kindhearted unicorn, wants nothing more than to be able to provide a warm, safe, and loving home for her daughter—the same as any mother ought to. But when tragedy leaves her penniless and on the brink of starvation, she struggles to maintain her faith that things will get better. How long can she stay resolute when the world seems hellbent on crushing her spirits at every turn?
Cosmic (New Part 3!)
Additional Tags: A Mother's Love Knows No Bounds -
Pony has always been the ultimate provider of facial expressions for your avatar or meme usage around the internet, and season 7 was no slouch on that department. The teams over at DHX and Topdraw took our adorable ponies and put them through a massive cartoon filter this time around, and it shows.
Head on down below the break to celebrate the ridiculous faces of the season!
Morning Discussion #1022
by Calpain
Silly winking Book Horse! What or who are you even winking at?
Morning my friends, time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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