• EG Mini - Rarity Relaxing Beach Lounge Set Revealed

    Rarity Relaxing Beach Lounge Set

    The beach theme that started up recently in the Equestria Girls Mini lineup has expanded with another set following up on Rainbow Dash. Rarity here is the second in the full package reveals, with singles being popped up on Amazon a while ago.

    Chances are we will keep seeing more of this set soon. Only two full packages have been revealed so far.

    I still always find it funny when they represent one of the characters with a cardboard cutout. It's almost like Rarity here has gone off the deep end after a falling  out with her friends, and now uses poster versions of them for companionship. She always was the best when it came to mental breakdowns~

    Expect more later.

    Thanks to Keira for the heads up.