• Newbie Artist Training Grounds V: Day 10

    Tonight we have all sorts of ponies completely epic quests or at least chasing them in their dreams! I'm so very pleased to see quite a few references to Monty Python in here as well. Good show guys! With day 10 upon us you guys sent in 171 entries today, bringing us up to 1990 entries total. Keep up the good work my friends!

    Are you guys ready for today's prompt? Well, don't get too starstruck as we want you to Draw a pony celebrity/Draw a Very Important Pony! So while you might not be able to take pics of pony celebrities it's up to you be artist paparazzi and catch those very important ponies.

    As always, you guys can submit your pictures here.

    We've gotten some confusion on how to submit to our submitter. In the space for the picture URL you want to put in the image URL link. To find this, upload your picture somewhere whether it be dA, Derpibooru, Imgur or wherever and right click on the image. In Chrome you want to click the 'Copy Image URL' button or something similar in other browsers. Input that URL and you should be good to go!

    We've got a tutorial below too if you're still having trouble!

    If a picture you made doesn't end up in the gallery tonight, please try resubmitting it. Sometimes things get eaten.

    Check out our newest gallery after the break!

    Paste your URL Here:

    If you run into issues, send an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com.

    Twitter: Phoe
    Twitter: Calpain