• Nightly Roundup #274

    Nightly Roundup time! Yeah, its kind of early, but not as early as PK's roundups.  Check it out below!


    Yeah, not much in here tonight.

    Lol Youtube

    Everfree Gaming Event

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    It's summertime now, and when you're out on the road and fancy listening to some pony music what do you do? Sometimes, some songs just don't cut it. When you're on a highway blast, you don't want a slow paced song about shipping, and when you're cruising in the sun, top down in your Miata, you don't want some full on hyperspeed dubstep about a sonic rainboom that's going to make you crash into a tree.

    Well don't worry because EFM are putting together two ultimate driving playlists!

    Round 1 (Ends April 5th 00:00 GMT)
    You submit (at the link below) the title and artist of the song that you think deserves to win title of "Best Racing Song" and "Best Cruising Song". You may nominate two songs in each category in Round 1. Remember though, these songs must be made by bronies.


    Brony FM

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    hello this is yuuki from BronyFM. today i give you a chance to get a PLUSHIE of your own. Eeyup that's right a plushie. how you can win this said plushie is to subscribe at BronyFM at youtube.com!! And the more subs the more plushies we will be raffling!!!

    *please play dead island theme while reading this*
    on another note. here at BronyFM, we want to do many things for our fans, like raffling plushies or even hosting a website. but we are stuck with one issue. funding. all i ask is if you want to donate drop by here and send us a small sum of money to help run the show. so all i ask is if you can donate please do and if you cant send the link to someone who might.
    with love



    Successful Meetups

    German Meetup

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    On Saturday, 2012-03-24 a group of 17 bronies came together in the city of Bielefeld, Germany, answering a call from German brony message board bronies.de. While this number can hardly compare with the recent Winter Wrap Up Meetup in Frankfurt, it was certainly enough for a great time. We raided the local shops of all the blind bags we could find, climbed up to the old Bielefeld castle on the hill and took some photos there among the general silliness, went bowling and then had dinner at a great Asian all-you-can-eat place. More pictures and a video can be found here and here (may have to scroll for a bit there).

    If you are a German brony, stay tuned to this thread for the epicness that is PCRP, to be announced on April 1st exclusively on bronies.de!

    Argentina Meetup

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    we recently did our second official meetup here in Buenos Aires, this time inside the Abasto Shopping (basically, the most visited place in the city). We managed to gather a total of 20+ people this time around, and we had a wonderful time!

    We chatted a lot, shared our Pony merchandise and custom stuff, and even went to a toy store so some of our dudes could get their first ponies!

    And finally, there's another new MLP:FiM magazine with stickers from Editorial VĂ©rtice. Unfortunately, I still couldn't get it, so no pics yet. Maybe I'll send that tomorrow. I've been told that they're using more new vectors...

    DC Meetup

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    You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have ponies with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! And we delivered...well, sort of. The DC Bronies celebrated Ink Drop's birthday with Laser Tag! We all had a blast er...blasting each other with lasers all night. Teams was a favorite game mode, but I'm sure if the Zombies mode had been working better that would have topped the list. Our war cry had them running from the outset. Cutie Mark Crusader Zombie Slayers YAY!!! Emulating our sleep-deprived EqD mods, we decided that the only thing to do at 11pm after fighting with each other all night was to share shakes at the local 24-hr diner.


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Boston Museum Meetups

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    The Boston Bronies will be going to various museums and attractions around Boston, and the first of our stops is the Franklin Park Zoo. We will be going Saturday April 14th, but RSVPs close this Friday the 30th. Come join us and see some gorillas, tigers, birds, and yes ponies.


    Indiana University Group



    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Rarity Mousepad Pre-order
    Lotus Aloe
    Appelbloom Plushie