• Comic Dubs: Screw Loose / Death by Clopfic / Bubbles in the Tub / Post Cutie Mark / Aim for it's Weak...

    This fandom needs more of Buttons Mom. I feel like it's a missed opportunity to not include her in almost everything.

    Get a bunch of comic dubs below.

    [1] Source

    [MLP Comic Dub] Screw Loose: The Origin (comedy) by Scribbler Productions

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    [MLP Comic Dub] Death by Clopfic (saucy comedy) by Scribbler Productions

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    [MLP Comic Dub] Bubbles in the Tub (comedy) by Scribbler Productions

    [4] Source

    [MLP Comic Dub] Post Cutie Mark Syndrome (dark comedy) by Scribbler Productions

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    [MLP Comic Dub] Aim for its weak spot! (comedy) by Scribbler Productions

    [6] Source

    [MLP Comic Dub] How To Save A Relationship (comedy) by Scribbler Productions
