• Story Updates - January 10th

    Story updates! Why read? Because reading is good for you.  What would you do without books? Twilight would be sad for one.

    Get them below. 

    Story: The Age of Wings and Steel (Update Sequel Part 18!)


    Description:  Three hundred years after the fall of Princess Luna, Equestria teeters on the brink of disaster. Bitter political infighting and power-hungry nobles threaten to tear the country apart in a bloody civil war, while in the south old enemies prepare to reclaim their ancient homeland from the ponies.
    As Princess Celestia desperately strives to hold together her splintered nation, she sends a young pony on a quest to the northern lands that border Equestria in order to plead for aid against the threat of Grypha. This unlikely messenger is Rye Strudel, the flightless, magic-less half-breed son of a guard and a baker. Rye must do the impossible and unite the thanes of the north... for if he cannot, there may be no home to come back to.
    The Age of Wings and Steel

    Story: The Book of Friendship (Update Chapter 31!)

    [Grimdark] [Crossover] [Comedy][Shipping] How in the world do you expect me to find an image for this?

    Author: BillyColt
    Description:  What if Twilight Sparkle's letters to Princess Celestia started a religion?
    This is the story of Brother White and Brother Scroll. One of them is an upstanding young unicorn eager to do whatever he can to make other ponies happy. The other is a shy little loner who's never had a real friend before. What do these two young stallions have in common? They are both members of the Fraternity of the Joyous Friends of Princess Celestia, an organization dedicated to teaching Equestria and the world about the magic of friendship.When Scroll and White are assigned to Earthquake Island, however, they find themselves in over their heads. Can the teachings of the Book of Friendship help them save an island run by a brutal warlord, racked by war, poverty, and hatred?
    The Book of Friendship

    Story: An Earth Pony's Guide to Magic (Update Chapter 4 Part 3!)


    Author: Sereg
    Description: As a descendant of the greatest conjurer of the pre-classical era, Star Swirl wishes to live up to her namesake’s reputation and their shared cutie mark. But how can she emulate a powerful unicorn when she is an earth pony? Taking the advice of her psychologist, she heads off to Ponyville to try and find out.

    An Earth Pony's Guide to Magic

    Story: Antipodes (Update Sequel Part 4!)


    Author: PK
    Description: Set in the far future after Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished and the sun and moon froze in the sky, Antipodes the the story of two ponies thrust out into the harsh new world on an adventure to uncover what happened to the world so long ago.
    Antipodes (All Links) 

    Story: Exit Through Canterlot (New Part 15!)

    [Slice of Life]

    Author: TheBrianJ
    Description: After the most important night of her career is ruined and its saboteurs not even so much as punished, Octavia's life changes. She begins to pursue a path that has never been seen before in Canterlot, where concertos and rhapsodies give way to controversy and rebellion.

    A path where symphonies are composed not with instruments, but with spray paint.
    Exit Through Canterlot (Update Part 15!)