• Music: "I Remember" (Electro Remix) / Friendship is Magic 8 Big Jazz / Ponies Love Jura (Drunk P0NieZ)

    We have mix of all sorts of genres this time around.  AJ Did some vocals for once! Bout time!

    Hit them all up below.

    1.) AJ The Engineer Befriends Metajoker - "I Remember" (Electro Remix)
    2.)Friendship is Magic 8 Big Jazz (No Embed)
    3.) Ponies Love Jura (Drunk P0NieZ)


    1. more music the better!

    2. I intended to download the original version of number one some time ago but totally forgot. Thanks for the reminder. Awesome Discord song!

    3. Bout time? What is that supposed to mean!? You've never heard me sing before!

    4. #1 was long and slow, and I kinda drifted off in the middle.
      #2 confused and frightened me. Don't get me wrong, I like some jazz as much as many musicians, but the addition of the 8bit was just so out of place.
      #3 was complex and catchy. Plus, the montage was funny. ^_^

    5. The #2 was... different? I cant write what #2 is like but it sure is good

    6. You forgot Eurobeat Brony's new song/remix. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jta6ykJt08w

    7. #1 good for just sitting around listening and sorting out one's thoughts.

      #3 is awesome. Led me to look up more of the artist's stuff. Now I'm the proud owner of one of his albums. Have always loved Electro(Techno, et cetera) and classical, and 3 songs in this album are a mix of both! And everything is catchy!

      TL DR: Bronies are much better musical artists than big names.

    8. Pew pew! Nice tunes, more music to add my collection.

    9. very cool art on #1! good sounding too

    10. Nevermind I should learn to read. :p

    11. Another good mix by Bagpipe Brony. Complex, but still neatly arranged with a nice flow.

    12. 1. Slower, but just as good as the original.

      2. Jazztastic!

      3. Drunk ponies are silly...
