• Story: The Triumph of the Great and Powerful Trixie!

    A 3 part series by Anti-Pony.  The best pony at her finest.

    Part 1-The Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie
    Part 2-The Awakening of the Great and Powerful Trixie
    Part 3-The Triumph of the Great and Powerful Trixie!


    1. This story actually brings a lot of closure to the whole Trixie character.

      This actually doesn't need to be 20% cooler.

    2. Best MLP Fanfiction I've read so far

    3. Glad you guys liked it! Thanks for the feedback :)

    4. Oh, just have read it! It's an brilliant example of brilliant FiM fanfic! I so love your story!
      Sometimes it makes me worry for Trix and Trixie gives me a chills. She is truly The Great And Powerful. I also very like the plot. Intelligent usage of Trixie's rainbow control talent and appearance of Elements of harmony (I haven't seen the since second episode). So It's one of the best fics I ever read. And under fics I mean not only MLP, but all.

      ANTI-PONY, I want more stories from you! <3

    5. Glad you enjoyed it. Am looking into writing more when I get the time. ;)

    6. "Does not exist." Perhaps a Gdocs upload is in order.

    7. Yeah sorry, they seem to have trimmed out the posts but not updated the links.



      For parts 1 and 2 respectively

    8. Best Trixie shipping in my opinion. Thank Luna it wasn't another clopfic or fillyfooler type deal. Just simple, innocent shipping. And well written at that.

    9. damn was that good bravo! very well written.
